What COMMERCIAL reverbs are you guys using?

I'm going on a slight reverb quest at the moment......the ones in Logic have served me well enough, as has freeverb2 and some others I have tried - only thing is I'll confess now I'm no reverb expert and wouldn't necessarily be able to tell apart a good reverb from a great reverb.

just curious to see what verbs you are favouring, but I'd like to keep it to ones that AREN'T free, as I have more than likely tried these.

I installed the demo of the redline reverb plug, seems pretty nice. Audiodamage also seem to have a new reverb plugin coming that looks nice, and I always liked their older reverb whenever I used it.

I have a fair amount of impulses for reverb units such as 480L, PCM90, SPX990, H3000 etc but not having used the originals its hard for me to know any difference.
I've been playing around with 112dB Redline Reverb lately and really dig it. I also bought Aether a few days ago, which is great for super-long and surreal verbs. Lots of tweaking options.

In the impulse realm, Acousticas just released a free Bricasti M7 library... I couldn't download that one fast enough. Just tried it out on some jazz fusion stuff and it seems to sound pretty awesome... you have to make your own modulation though since normal impulses suck.
yeah the impression I got with stuff such as the briscati's and lexicons is that the modulations are what make them special.

Ill check out the acousticas stuff....i remember liking their demos a while back. this guy is doing a load as donationware (although I have yet to try them), although he has sampled some awesome gear.

ahjteam, which TC reverbs are you using? the System/Reverb 6000 stuff seems to be really good, but VERY expensive (I don't think anyone on this forum other than Eduardo Apolina has one). that impulse website I posted above has some of the TC stuff....

and yeah, space designer is awesome - I just kind of felt the need to try out some of the algorithm based stuff, pretty much due to the constraints of convolution modelling
and what seems to annoy me is that I'd love to find a plugin recreation of some of these top end reverb units REGARDLESS of cpu usage - we live in the age of multicore beasts and fair enough not everyone has them, I can easily afford a ton of CPU to a couple of awesome reverbs.
If you're after algorithmic then the TC Powercore stuff is the best you'll find short of real outboard. If you want to roll native then I would suggest demoing the Redline Reverb. It has a very 'lexicon-ish' sound and is rather tweakable. Cool factory presets too.

Also, I tried the Bricasti library briefly and was amazed.. the acousticas guys did it again. Even had a Bricasti owner come in and say he couldn't tell them apart from the real thing on the small to medium sized rooms. On the larger ones you'd just have to set up a modulation delay and tweak to your own liking to help the tail along.
yeah - the redline reverb seemed to be going down well over at GS, I installed it last night. VERY generous on the 60 day demo period.

also - where did you find the Briscati library? Id love to give that a spin.

double also - anyone know a good way of bulk installing new impulses to space designer? I have so many new ones, sitting through and adding 1 by 1 will be a nightmare
yeah - the redline reverb seemed to be going down well over at GS, I installed it last night. VERY generous on the 60 day demo period.

also - where did you find the Briscati library? Id love to give that a spin.

double also - anyone know a good way of bulk installing new impulses to space designer? I have so many new ones, sitting through and adding 1 by 1 will be a nightmare


Have fun! I have a feeling with these I won't be using any other libraries for a while...
haha I read all of the redline reverb thread on gearslutz, and the impression the designers are giving off is its completely unique to lexicon stuff.

just had a look at the preset folder and its all 300, 480L, 960L, PCM90.......actually quite liking this verb, definitely going to see how I get on with it and consider buying it.
Yeah.. I actually bought Aether, but since I started using Redline, I haven't even touched it... Redline has a fair few parameters but they're comparatively easy to tweak. I shot it out against some of rhythmind's Lexicon impulses and Redline didn't do too bad. The 'presets' in Redline are named exactly after the Lexicon factory ones, so it made comparing fairly easy. In many ways they were different, but Redline held its own for the most part and the extra tweakability and negligible CPU hit made it a winner.

The new EOS reverb from Audio Damage should be coming late next week, hopefully. That will be another one to check. 2 plates and a superhall algo written by someone with extensive reverb algo knowledge. Apparently they sound tits and the parameters are simple. Might be a winner.
yeah ill definitely check that out

just been playing around with the redline reverb on this mix - I think there is one for snare and one for vocals. Redline Mix

only played around quickly, but despite the amount of knobs, its pretty straightforward, and you can hear exactly what each knob is doing. I'll wait untill EOS is out and then demo that and go for which I like best.