What console should I buy?

Which console?

  • Playstation 2

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • X Box

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gamecube

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Save yer money, yeh daft so-and-so!

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Now that I'm settling down again for a life of living at home with my mum and watching DVDs and surfing the net during my spare time, I'm thinking of buying a video game console thingamie. Which of the new breed is the best?

I already have a Playstation so if I upgrade to PS2 then that's sweet, and I also have a Super Nintendo from years ago ("Super Empire Strikes Back" rocks!), but I don't know if you can use Super Nintendo games on the Gamecube.

Vote, damn you!
purely for upgrade purposes get PS2 also has GTA3 which im told rocks..then save up again and get a gamecube..fuck microsoft :grin: so what if they got the dosh to make things work :p
You cant use Super Nintendo games on Gamecube, but yes, Super Empire Strikes Back rocked! (So did Super Star Wars and Super Return Of The Jedi. They were super :) )

Ive got a Gamecube and my brother has an Xbox (he sold his Ps2 to buy it), I like the Gamecube because I like Nintendos games (Mario, Zelda, Fzero and so on) so just pick the one with the games you like best, Im not sure what kinds of games you are after so I cant tell you what to get :D
Yep, I like it, though Wave Race is close to f**king impossible to beat which has pissed me off no end because I loved the N64 version, but other than that its all good :)
Rogue Squadron is the only other game I have at the moment and that rocks the house :rock:
I like games where you kill people!

Which one has the most Star Wars games? Pity you can't use Super Nintendo games on the Gamecube, that'd rule. Sigh. Not that I have many games - Super Empire, Zelda, Super Mario Bros, NBA Jam, and probably a couple of others that I slip my mind right now.
Spiffy: Just download a SNES emulator and then find all the old games you used to own so you can play them on your pc, its cool :D
I think they will all have Star Wars games, so you wont lose out there no matter what you pick.

Southy: Theres about 27 at the moment (which is pretty good as it just launched) and over 100 by Christmas apparently, so thats pretty good!
I tried doing that with a C64 emulator but couldn't get anything working properly, especially considering you needed a joystick most of the time and mine doesn't work (no, that's not a metaphor for anything!).
SNES emulators are VERY easy! Get Zsnes, thats what I had, tis rocking!

Nope, it only plays Gamecube games, no N64 either!

Yep, all the games are 89.99, but they will drop in price soon enough, they always gouge the f**k out of the people that buy the system in the first few weeks :)
Personally, I prefer the Gamecube, as I prefer Nintendo games (as Spawn said), but if you want a built in DVD player at the same time, then its a no-go, you would have to get either a X-Box or PS2. I think the games for PS2 are easier to copy if you are into burning games, but other than that, I would just get the one that releases the games you like more. :)
The controls for XBOX are very akward to hold.
So maybe you wanna keep that in mind!
Me personally I plan on getting a PS2 for the purpose of DVD as well and you can get the chip put in so you can use burnt games and cdr's etc.