What criteria makes you like / dislike a band?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Many on this forum have a whole shitload of rules a band has to follow in order for one to enjoy them, so what are yours?


i don't like pretentiousness and artsy fartsyiness ... honesty, balls and chops are good ... in all genres.

just rock me ... don't bore me
Something that evokes emotion, something that has depth, something that is epic, or something that gets your blood flowing!
there's really no one thing I 100% of the time dislike.

generally, like lurch, I ignore the pretentious type bands or the bands that are like "look at how different we are, we are original" and are simply different for different's sake.

I like some clean vocals, but if a band has a vocalist with those high-pitched wails that seems like his balls are in a vice, then the chances I'll check out that band are nonexistent.

just give me epicness, emotion, integrity, honesty.......
It's pretty simple: for me to really enjoy a band, they need to show they have brains as well as musical talent. But of course music is the most important aspect of an album, but, as we have concluded earlier, great lyrics can raise it that extra bit.

I usually write off a band if they have extremly silly song titles (say, The Killing of Christ, Rape Mother Mary etc), if they seem to have no intentions of doing anything innovative (read: most underground black metal) or generally if the albums covers features machines, chicks or cheesy cartoonish drawings ;)
spaffe said:
I usually write off a band if they have extremly silly song titles (say, The Killing of Christ, Rape Mother Mary etc), if they seem to have no intentions of doing anything innovative (read: most underground black metal) or generally if the albums covers features machines, chicks or cheesy cartoonish drawings ;)
At times like this you really need to state that THERE ARE OF COURSE EXCEPTIONS unless you want me to do lots of hard work and prove you wrong, thanks in advance
If the music is good, and that's all that counts, then that's fine -- just as long as you accept that you're only listening to it at face value.

*If themes, lyrics, era, artwork, label, and production are not on your check list, then so be it.

Here's a case scenario that ties into our tournaments perhaps: There are times when you can like two different albums exactly equally for their musical content alone, but how would you make a decision between the two? You would have to go beyond just the music to make the choice, and I assume the list above* would come into play. At least it does for me.

But otherwise, yes, the music is the deciding factor.
JayKeeley said:
Here's a case scenario that ties into our tournaments perhaps: There are times when you can like two different albums exactly equally for their musical content alone, but how would you make a decision between the two?
How can they be exactly equal if they're not exactly alike aka the same album?
fotmbm said:
How can they be exactly equal if they're not exactly alike aka the same album?

OK - when reviewing albums, I would assume you're taking more than just the musical aspect into consideration. That means, while you can have two albums with 10/10 scores, there is still a way to judge the two against each other by looking at the other attributes.

Example: I actually like Nordland II about the same as Blood Fire Death musically speaking, but if I had to choose one, I'd choose BFD because of when it came out.
For everything except black metal: HEADBANG factor, and BOOZE factor.

For Black Metal: I'm not really sure...its just a feeling I get.
To me, no single criteria can make me like or dislike an album (other than it being a kickass album or a crap one of course), it's all judged on a case-to-case basis. There are of course things that make me more or less interested in checking stuff out though, such as an album being hailed as a fucking thrash metal masterpiece or shitz like that. If it's cheap I'll gladly try new stuff out based on cool logos/album covers/song titles and stuff like that though, it RULES SO FUCKING MUCH if you get a winner that you had never even heard about before.