What did you GET for Christmas??


the perfect drug
Oct 14, 2004
Denver, Colorado
I got a bunch of cool stuff- Keyboard, Slippers, Nifty unbrakable drummsticks, and money for a graphics card . How about you?

Bob says:
I got Silverware, A TV, a DVD/VCR player for the house. Cool Boxers and underware thingy.... and..... Lewis Black DVDs.
LoTR:RotK Extended DVD (Now I have the whole set!), Gift voucher at a fairly funky clothing/adventure wear/etc store where I incidentally bought a present for someone else recently, and a VERY healthy christmas bonust from my boss! ^_^ Whoda thunk? I didn't get very much from friends/family, but I don't mind, spent so much money on MYSELF in the last month that it's just not funny. :oops:
Best of Motley Crue
Best of Pantera
Trans-Siberian Orchestra DVD
Blue Collar Comedy Tour DVD
boxers with the Guiness logo all over them:p
a Few Transformers
Family Guy shirt and hoodie(Stewie on the hoodie, and Quagmire on the shirt)

Soon, I'm expecting a few bucks my way towards joining a certain friend of mine in a different country:p
Money, a Mousepad with a pic of my lil sister dressed in black with my leatherjacket, and a book
And now I have to make up my mind what to buy with the money....
A new guitar, a new AMP, or a PC....I can buy only one thing....
Money, and still getting sent more from the folks in the US. :D I got a nifty Ensiferum wristband that the bandmembers don't even have yet apparently, :lol:, my first Finnish DVD(LotR), cos I am getting all Region 2 electronics now, a cute little towel with a turtle on it, other stuff. And booze. :D And just the feeling of being very welcome here now in Finland. :D
Gift cards from Best Buy, Suncoast, and Target
The Sims: Makin' Magic (I wanted The Sims 2, but this will be fine since I didn't have that expansion pack...but now I have to get The Sims 2 myself)
Star Wars Trilogy DVD set (Widescreen baby...nobody should ever buy a full screen theatrical release on DVD)
Repair on my vehicle (that was done last month, but it was a part of my Christmas...cracked heads suck :mad: )

I bought myself a 27" Samsung HDTV...mmmmm, Xbox games and DVDs in high definition. *drools*
Soon, I'm expecting a few bucks my way towards joining a certain friend of mine in a different country:p

Hehe...i had jsut noticied this. for sum reason i missed sum posts.

Yeah, I mean, I STILL have some american in me, but it's slowly gettin beaten out of me. It should be about gone in the next few months, maybe sooner depending on how many drunken wrestling bouts I have. :p

Going to pick up xmas present number something on Monday from Western Union. Score!

And don't worry. There will be much welcoming for you. I already told people you were coming here. :D