What did you get for christmas?

Into Eternity-Dead or Dreaming
Scar Symmetry-Pitch Black Progress
Gojira-From Mars to Sirius
pajamas(blue pair and black pair that doesn't fit)
necklaces(flowers and hearts)
Phillies hoodie

I asked for red pants and didn't get any....and I would really like a red pair :lol:
Well my father told me that my presents were :

- 300 dollars he gave me due to my graduation.
- The new floor on my room the construction workers replace.
- The painting of my room and other gadgets XD.
- A new desktop for my tv.
- And some money to update the specs of my pc.
- And a new coach for my room.
a Fossil watch

Haha me too :p

I got clothes n' stuff pretty much, the only present I actually asked for was a ticket for Wacken :D, everything else was a bonus, there was a couple pairs of Superdry jeans, an Abercrombie & Fitch hoodie. And all of the "Song of Ice and Fire" books which will be some awesome reading.

Oh and Bill Bailey's new DVD, which should be hilarious.
150 bucks (more coming)
8g itouch
guitar hero 3
an ac/dc cd my little sister got me :)
heroes season 1
a music ledger thing so i can write all my music in it
a bracelet

i think that's it theres some presents stuck in the mail though so we'll see. i really just want to get a schecter loomis though. im selling a bunch of stuff so hopefully i can get it soon
so yeah, bunch of cash which will be going to a new gfx card, Dark Knight, Conan The Barbarian/Destroyer collection thing, newest Ayreon, Tangerine Dream live in Montreal 1977, a reall nice silver (probably nickle but whatever), and new WoW Expansion.

My step mom also gave me half of the giant ham they made here, and a huge tupperware full of Raspberry Trifle (best dessert ev00r)
I think Alexis means Couch.

No...he meant coach.

Finally to add to my list, my brother handed me a nug of the whitest weed I've seen in a long time.
I'm finally home, and plan to spend the night with Lich King and my new Ayreon CD!
Well (white) fucking weed sounds about like the greatest thing right about now, I got all 7 Borknagar cds. Joe, i think you and me should work on that dvd!
My bf got me a Trans-Siberian Orchestra CD
My parents got me a Line 6 Tone Port UX2, clothes to wear when I go skiing or ice skating and a lot of other random stuff
I got money from the rest of my family
and my Grandpa's wife made a bag I can use at school
I got this game from my father today in the evening and I was lucky because the price was wrong on the tags ( it was about 37 dollars), but the real price was 80 dollars, so I decided to argue and they let me get it for 37 bucks :kickass:.

EN ESPANOL! good game, why are you reading what CrispyCream576 is saying?

Nope XD, I'm not reading his thread, I'm just being laizy to type the whole www..... u know, so I just type www.ul and the explorer saves some pages and they appear on the list and I just choose one, after that I just click abouve on the cob off topic >>> and TADDAAA !!! I'm on the cob off topic main site :lol:

Yes the game came in spanish but you can go to settings and change it to English XD.