what did you think about the debate?

Jean-Pierre said:
"Young people can take money out of their Social Security fund and put it in their own accounts" - G.W. Bush

I'm sorry, I hate both Bush and Kerry, but that right there from last night made me hate Bush even more. Fucking retard.

please read the rules of engagement and play nice
its ok TMann...........Pyrus is cool..............

My take on politics:

Kerry is a liar, He is a traitor to this great country, he tells everyone what they want to hear...................

Bush tells it like it is, he put the best intrests of the country ahead of the best intrests of others,....................

Bush did everything I would have done if i was in his place,

anyone want to talk about the oil for food scandle? after all thats why all of our so called "allies" dont like us anymore
BTW. that lesbian thing wasnt a lowblow. In previous debates, both candidates talked about families they have met without no problems. Cheney is just another american family, so why should they be not mentioned, bcs they're in office??? does that make them special??? Everyone is equal in this country, or at least should be, and by everyone calling this a cheapshot, you are not being a true american!
CoverUinOil said:
Everyone is equal in this country, or at least should be, and by everyone calling this a cheapshot, you are not being a true american!
What is the point of Kerry talking about Cheneys daughter? If he was talking about random lesbians , how come he didnt mention Rosie O`Donnell? shes a lesbian and came out of the closet and announced it to the world she was a queer, or how about Mellisa Etheridge? How come he didnt bring up there names?

By the way, Did ya`ll know that in Vietnam , John Kerry is considered a war hero.............. for the country of Vietnam?

Communist Vietnamese honor John Kerry, the war protestor, as a hero in their victory over the United States in the Vietnam War.

Fucking traitor......................

MR. CAVETT: Well, let's talk about that. Did you see war crimes committed and –

You talk about "true americans" Well dig this, John Kerry is one of the most unamerican people ever , hes right up there with Jane Fonda , John Walker, and all other traitors of this country.
I am a true american, whether you belive it or not, I support my country for the good and the bad and I dont try to bring it down.....................unlike John Kerry

Pyrus said:
If you don't want to talk politics, then you probably shouldn't be in a thread entitled "what did you think about the debate?", chum. ;)
I was talking about politics

I said FUCK POLITICS ...............
I'm a little drunk right now, so pardon any incoherence.

John Kerry testified to get America the fuck out of Vietnam, as well he should have. That war was a horrific debacle and Kerry should be commended for having the courge to stand up and speak up when his country was doing something wrong.

As for that Vietnam exhibit, of course if you see it on the internet it must be true. :roll: Especially if it's by such an obviously biased group.

don't subscribe to that ridiculous "my country right or wrong" philosohpy. If America's doing something wrong, it's not only your right, but your DUTY as a self-proclaimed patriot to speak out against it.
Pyrus said:
I'm a little drunk right now, so pardon any incoherence.

John Kerry testified to get America the fuck out of Vietnam, as well he should have. That war was a horrific debacle and Kerry should be commended for having the courge to stand up and speak up when his country was doing something wrong.

As for that Vietnam exhibit, of course if you see it on the internet it must be true. :roll: Especially if it's by such an obviously biased group.

don't subscribe to that ridiculous "my country right or wrong" philosohpy. If America's doing something wrong, it's not only your right, but your DUTY as a self-proclaimed patriot to speak out against it.
People as well as countrys do the wrong things.you may choose to Bitch about everything our goverment does that you see as "wrong" but to me that shows a weakness to our enemys

Paul Galanti, P.O.W. from 1966-1973The Viet Cong didn't think they had to win the war on the battlefield, because thanks to these protestors they were going to win it on the streets of San Francisco and Washington.

what do you think the people of Vietnam thought of all those people protesting? they saw them as our weakness
So Im am not going to sit here and say our country is wrong to go and invade Iraq ,Im not going to say it was wrong for america to drop bombs on Bagdad and kill women and children, Supporting your leaders decicions is american ad patriotic

Why did we go to Vietnam?
We went to vietnam to prevent the spread of communism.We went there after the Goverment of south Vietnam asked us to help them. We go there fight a war we were not prepared to fight, the enemy fought in civilian cloths making it impossable to tell who was "freindly" and who was not. we were fighting the whole population, men, women, and children, and all those men women and children were killing US soldiers by the hundreds.

So US soldiers were killing men women and the children that were killing them. It was a fight for survival, and they were killing the enemy.

And for john Kerry to come back from Vietnam after being there only 4 months and to go before congress and say that we were killing men women and children for no reason sounds pretty fucked up to me.Accually if you think about it, hes back after being there four months ( and if you accually read his congressional testemony were he came out and said he didnt see any war crimes committed, he was going by word of mouth) he came back to the US and told all those protesters EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED TO HEAR.
hell of a way to start a political career, come back to the US , talk about war crimes ,meanwhile there are POWs in Vietnam being tourtured and killed because they wouldnt say they committed war crimes.So which is it ,was John kerry not being loyal to his country, or were POWs not being loyal?

pyrus said:
As for that Vietnam exhibit, of course if you see it on the internet it must be true. :roll: Especially if it's by such an obviously biased group.
Ted Koppel from ABC news sent people to vietnam to see this "memorial" and to intrveiw soliders of the vietcong, it was on nightline, fox news has covered it as well as NBC........It is one peice of evidence that is true,even though it is on the internet. I guess since the congressional transcript of John Kerry going before congress is on the internet, that makes it not true to?
I would like to see you go to that site Winter solider
and disprove thier facts as wrong, I dont post shit that I know will be proved wrong so go ahead and try, please.

Captain George Elliott, USN (retired) I served with these guys. I went on missions with them, and these men served honorably. Up and down the chain of command there was no acquiescence to atrocities. It was not condoned, it did not happen, and it was not reported to me verbally or in writing by any of these men including Lt.(jg) Kerry.

George WashingtonThe willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional as to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were Treated and Appreciated by their nation.
n. The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition.

Where is all the territory we have aquired through the last 5 wars we have had?
Arg_Hamster said:
Doubt that the majority of the PEOPLE in South Vietnam gave a flying fuck if they got pushed around by communist or imperialists. The govenrnmet of South Vietnam wanted the US there.
your right hamster, Ill edit that right now
Old School: Placing troops in a country to uphold the regime of a corrupt (but friendly) government OR giving them financial or industrial help could be considered imperialism as I see it. The Soviet did it in east europe, The French, Brittish, Japan... most civilizations have done it at one time or another. Sweden controlled parts of northern Germany. The Azteks and Mayas could probably be called imperialist.

Noone wants to be called an imperialist but I say cut the fucking PC bullshit and call things by their right name. I´m not saying the foreign troops and workers in Afghanistan and Iraq is all bad, but what I don´t like is that the people that did terrorist attacks were once seen as allies by the EU, Russians and US. And many in Iraq sees the troops as tools for someone else.

Oh, and for the Vietnam thing... South Korea and the Aussies had troops stationed there too (part of the SEATO-deal). So no need for you to get angry. Some say that South Vietnam was a democracy but peoples dislike of Nguyen Van Thieu and co. must have come from somewhere, right? Van Thieu used to fight in Viet Minh before turning and serving in the Vietnamese army (controlled by the French), and I bet a lot of the other high officals there had done the same. Ho Chi Minh started a agricultural "reform" (probably a nicer word for stealing) which gave the peasants land in North Vietnam. The influence of this action on South Vietnams people was great. If the government had held free elections the communist would probably had won. A funny sidenote (wonder if Jane Fonda ever read about this), is as the war went on the NLF lost more and more influence to the North Vietnamese Army. Not quite "the rise of the poor opressed South Vietnamese pesants" huh?

old_school_headbanger said:
Where is all the territory we have aquired through the last 5 wars we have had?
"Imperialism is the policy of extending the control or authority over foreign entities as a means of acquisition and/or maintenance of empires, either through direct territorial control or through indirect methods of exerting control on the politics and/or economy of other countries. The term is used by some to describe the policy of a country in maintaining colonies and dominance over distant lands, regardless of whether the country calls itself an empire."

- From Wikipedia
Arg_Hamster said:
So no need for you to get angry.
Hamster, The only thing that pisses me off is the fact that there are a whole lot of americans who are going to vote for a traitor of this country.

That fuck protested against america, he went before congress and basicly accused the whole country of crimes committed by a minority of soliders.....................That right there should have kept his fucking ass out of the senate as well as the presidency..........................
Bush totally ruled the debate. As far as presentation goes they were both pretty much tied but Bush mopped with Kerry except on the assault weapons ban. Both their answers sucked.

God bless,