What do I need to know to emulate Type-O's Style?


New Metal Member
Jan 28, 2013
October Rust is my favorite album of all time. It's both heavy and trippy at the same time. I've been working on my own lyrical style inspired by the tradition of the magi. That punkadelic Type-O sound would be perfect for it. I've come up with a few riffs of my own that I think sound like Typo-O, but I feel like I'm using a variation of the same 3 or 4 chord progressions in every song. I've already tuned my guitar down to B, but what else should I know if I want my music to sound more like Type-O? What mode do they generally play in for example?
I would advice you to download some tabs of your favourite songs or better yet, learn them by ear. So you can analyze their usage of harmonies, chords, progressions, etc... It will help you to become a better musician and you will also learn how to achieve the feeling of Type-O's sound; or any other band you may like ;)
One of my favourite albums of all time too!

You're going to need to base most of your tracks on the bass, I dont really hear too much guitar in there, to my ears it's all distorted bass with a dose of chorus, and lush synth pads but you are correct in tuning your guitar into B (set up correctly by a professional of course). ;)

October Rust, World Comming Down and Life is Killing Me were recoded using drum machine sounds played on an electric kit to save money, now, I am 99% positive that I had that kit set on my old Yamaha EX7 and I am 100% positive that it was at least the same sound set for all three albums, just tuned differently, so you could start looking there for their drums.

As for their synths, I don't think Josh Silver had anything too spectacular, expensive or obsure and I am sure he even had a DX7 at one point. I used to be quite into synths and I do remember being somewhat underwelmed with what he had but 1) it's not what you have it is what you do with it and 2) I've forgotton what they were! However, most S&S type synths from the past 20 years should be able to produce lush gothic pads no problem. Try some free plug ins maybe.

I also think you would need a good sense of humour to write the lyrics too!

Good luck with this and I am sorry that i couldn't be more help, I was always into their music rather than how they made their music, I enjoyed being lost in it too much!!