what do u hear now? - nice forum game


Tool: Aenima
Opeth: Blackwater Park
Vintersorg: The Focusing Blur
Bloodbath: Resurrection Through Carnage
Amon Amarth: Once Sent From The Golden Hall
Hermética: Ácido Argentino

That's all for now...

hmmm...Im hearing

Opeth - April Ethereal
Kalmah - Heritance of Berija
Disillusion - The Sleep of Restless Hours
In Flames - Zombie Inc.
Extol - Undeceived

....and stuff
Rediculous bump.

Albums on this mornings playlist:

Gospel of the Horns - A Call to Arms
Destroyer 666 - Terror Abraxas
Grenade - Hellsong
Kreator - Extreme Agression
Judas Priest - Stained Class
currently listening to novembre - cold blue steel (going to listen to full Classica album)

kind of related thought of mine: when people talk about their playlist for a certain month: it usually has like 5-10 albums or whatever, but..i dunno about some of you other guys, but i don't limit myself to 10 albums, nor do i want to listen to the same 10 albums over and over..i never got that. my playlist for a month, would consist of a lot more than 10 albums. it's close to 5 totally different albums a DAY..people having monthly "playlists" has been bothering me for a while haha
My playlist consists of about 5 regularly listened to albums, and a few other random ones. The 5 are usualy the 5 that are in my CD player, and the others are just random albums on my computer. My CD player probably gets a full rotation about once a month.

Current albums for this month consist of:

Judas Priest - Painkiller
Judas Priest - Stained Class
Kreator - Extreme Agression
Kreator - Coma of Souls
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
Michael Jackson - The Girl Is Mine (NO jokes about how old the girl is thankyou!)
Tool - Stinkfist
Opeth - Godhead's Lament
Machine Head - Blood Of The Zodiac
Down - Eves Of The South
Frank Black And The Catholics - Blast Off
Cripple Mr Onion - Six Days Of Silence
........thats a small sample...mix tapes plus studying outside in the sun is a damn good combination!
im having a morose day

Woods of Ypres - A Meeting Place and Time
Finntroll - Svart Djup
Vintersorg - Fångad Utav Nordens Själ
Lumsk - I Lytinne Tva
Xasthur - With Hate Freezing My Veins
Windir - Todeswalzer
Thyrfing - Valdr Gaga
Emperor - Beyond The Great Vast Forest
Empyrium - Ode To Melancholy
Forest Stream - Black Swans
Ian Anderson - The Water Carrier
Novembre - Flower
Ulver - Bergtatt stuff
Vintersorg - A Dialogue With The Stars
Dissection - The Somberlain
Jethro Tull - Heavy Horses

Plus some other stuff, just to name a few.
yeah, they suck to you and me, but who cares? listening to the same shit over and over gets so fuckin boring. i like a lotta different shit that people would laugh at..but i don't care, cause i enjoy it.
example: once in a while i feel like a little dre/snoop, and i actually really like slipknot. they don't have to be the most talented band, ya know? but i get enjoyment from knot. but since we're on the topic, joey jordison is a fucking extremely talented drummer.
Heh, yeah i know what you mean. I have to say it, I cant stand listening to just metal - Bands like Tricky, Electric Six, Frank Black & The Catholics, Jacko, Muse and Pink Floyd are a few of my other tastes. Funny you mention Slipknot actually, because im just giving Stonesour a listen to for the first time in aaaaaaaaaaages.

Hahaha and damn your display pic! I cant look at it without laughing.....this is just for you:
MR. GARRISON: Who can tell me what happens when water is heated up by the bunsen burner?

BUTTERS: It evaporates.

MR. GARRISON: Good, Butters. Now if we take the tube of the bunsen burner we can see how other things react. Evaporation is an ectothermic reaction, so let's look at an endothermic one. Mr. Slave, position 7 please.

*Mr. Slave Moons Mr. Garrison*

MR. GARRISON: Now I will put the tube in Mr. Slave's tight ass.
The heat from Mr. Slaves ass will act as a new conducter of energy.

MR. SLAVE: Ooh. Oh! Jesuth Chrith! Oh!

MR. GARRINSON: Ok, now Butters, could you bring Lemmiwinks over for me, please?

BUTTERS: Sure! *Gets Lemmiwinks*

STAN: Oh, No! Nononono no!

MR. GARRINSON: Newton first discovered that for every action, there is a REaction. Now what do you think will happen when I introduce the element of the gerbil to the endothermic heat of Mr. Slave's ass?

*Class is in awe*

MR. GARRISON: Well, let's see! *put's lemmiwinks into Mr. Slaves ass*

MR. SLAVE: Ahh! --- Oh Jesuth! Jesuth Chrith!

BUTTERS: Lemmiwinks!?! No!

MR. SLAVE: Ooh! Jesuth! Jesuth Chrith!
*Lemmiwinks tries to escape, magic frog king appears*

FROG KING: Lemmiwinks, you must find your way out of this place, or you will surely die. This way has been closed off by the great sphinctor. To escape, you must journey up to the dark riches of the intestine and pass the stomach! Who am I? Just a friend. Heed my words, Lemmiwinks. Your time is running out. Make for the large intestine. Start straight ahead.

SONG: A great adventure is waiting for you ahead. Hurry on Lemmiwinks, for you will soon be dead. A Journey before you may be long and filled with woe. But you must escape the gay man's ass, or your tale can't be told.

Lemmiwinks, Lemmiwinks, Lemmiwinks, Lemmiwinks!

Lemmiwink's journey is distant, far and fast! To find his way out off a gay man's ass! The road ahead is filled with danger and fright! But push on Lemmiwinks with all of your might!

FROG KING: Lemmiwinks, you are coming to the enterance off the small intestine! There you must seek out The Sparrow Prince!

SONG: The Sparrow Prince lies somewhere way ahead! Don't look back lemmiwinks, or you will soon be dead! The time is growing late. Slow down now, and seal your fate.

*Sparrow Prince Appears*
SPARROW PRINCE: I am The Sparrow Prince! Long has my spirit been trapped within this place! Before you lies the maze of the small intestine. One path leads to the stomach, the other to certain doom. Take with you this helmet and torch. Let them be your guide! *Gives Lemmiwinks a helmet with a torch*

SONG: Take the magic helmet-torch to help you light the way, there's still alot of ground to cross in the man so gay! Ahead of you lies adventure, and your stregnth still lies within! Freedom from the ass of doom is the treasure you will win!


MR. GARRISON: What's the matter?

MR. SLAVE: Just an upset stomach, I gueth.

MR. GARRISON: Well, here, take a pepto pill, I can't have a teacher that's under the weather.

MR. SLAVE: Jesuth Chrith! *takes the pill*

DEEP SONG: Lemmiwinks came to the stomach now. Made it past the lungs and heart.

*Catata Fish appears*

CATATA FISH: You have chosen your path wisely Lemmiwinks! I am the Catata Fish!

DEEP SONG: Catata fish of the stomach's hole!

CATATA FISH: If you answer this riddle, the esophogus will let you pass.

DEEP SONG: Catata fish's riddle will soon be told!


FROG KING: Hang on Lemmiwinks! You solved the Catata Fish's riddle, your trials are nearly through!

MR. SLAVE: *coughs out lemmiwinks*

SONG: Lemmiwinks has made it out, his tail is nearly through!

CATATA FISH: Great job, lemmiwinks!

SPARROW PRINCE: Thanks to you we are all free!

FROG KING: But your adventures are just beginning! *Takes off Lemmiwinks' helmet* You are no ordinary gerbil Lemmiwinks, you are the Gerbil King! *Puts crown on Lemmiwinks' head*

ALL ANIMAL GHOSTS: All hail the gerbil king!

SONG: Now the Gerb- the Gerbil king has more adventures to go on! Fly away to faraway lands and to the setting sun! So many enemies and battles yet to fight! For Lemmiwinks the Gerbil King's tale is told throughout the night!

Le-Le-Lemmiwinks Lemmiwinks Lemmi-Lemmiwinks Lemmiwinks, Lemm-Le-Lemmiwinks Gerbil King!
Heh yeah, same...my bro has been downloading episodes and putting em on cd for me....ahahha some of my recent favs. are You Just Got F*D in the A and Lets Fighting Love...god, Cartman at the end...ahahahaha i couldn't stop laughing for ages after that.

But lets not forget the Jennifer Lopez classic..I dont think anything tops that