what do yall think about the sky moves sideways?

its okay. there are parts that i really enjoy. i haven't listened to it for a while, and i don't have it with me...there is one particular part with some cool synth chords that i really really really really really really like.
it's great. really really great. but burning sky is the shit, and that's on Up The Downstair...so I'm not sure if one is better or not. I like all their stuff. listening to lightbulb sun now. the title track on that album rocks so much.
Nexis said:
it's great. really really great. but burning sky is the shit, and that's on Up The Downstair...so I'm not sure if one is better or not. I like all their stuff. listening to lightbulb sun now. the title track on that album rocks so much.

man, i just listened to that song. :kickass: yeah, burning sky is great :D
My favorite of all by this band. Followed closely by Signify and In Absentia. There are many "Floyd" references to SMS, which from what I"ve read irritated Steven Wilson. I believe Porcupine Tree on SMS took the "Floyd" phycidelic basis and took that to a whole new level. Just my theory.
Very Pink Floydish, I even read somewhere that Wilson is not at all pleased with this album mainly because of the Floydian comparisons... He said something like it was a record he had to do but if he could go back and erase it he probably would... Saw PT 3 times in concert and they never played anything pre-Signify (well, almost nothing, heard Radioactive Toy and one song from Up the Downstair, that's it!)

Imho, it's a great album, trance-inducing, psychedelic, trippy... Great when smoking weed and/or having a looong session of sex...


Cheers !
What an amazing album. So many sweet, trippy grooves. Plus the song Stars Die is incredible.
Yeah, great album. The double disc digi is great, though I prefer the album verisons of Phase 1 and 2, over the alternate mix. Stars Die is great.

I just got the MoonLoop LP from Burningshed. Very nice. And they shipped it out of the bag (in a seperate sleeve) so the PVC bag didnt get damaged. Good job!