What do you get from listening to metal?


New Metal Member
Feb 26, 2016
Hey guys. What exactly do you guys listen to metal for? Is it the surface level qualities (e.g. how each individual riff sounds, regardless of the quality of the arrangement) or does composition matter to you also? Do you feel how a good metal song progresses, increases and decreases in tension and whatnot, or is that not important to you?

I thought I'd ask this, as quite a bit (board games free) of modern metal seems to ignore composition and focus only on the surface qualities of the music, leading to tracks with no direction and jarring transitions from one idea to the next (*cough*BTBAM*cough*RoS*cough*). I'll have to admit that I didn't make this discovery entirely independently; the website Death Metal Underground (formerly the Dark Legions Archive) often writes pieces analysing and reviewing metal with both good and bad composition. They certainly educated me and helped open my eyes to what was happening underneath the surface.

But yeah, what about you guys?
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Individual riffs are an essential part of metal composition, but yeah, I think both are very important parts of why I enjoy metal. I'd argue that the riff is more important though; there are a lot of classic metal songs with simple structure but excellent riffs and hooks, but a great metal song with mediocre riffs is nearly an oxymoron.
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