What do you guys think of this.


Apr 18, 2010
I had a thread in F.O.H. but it really does belong here.

My problem is I think the vocals aren't sitting right in the mix. Harley said it was more the mixes problem so here's my latest clip of it. The drums have more attack and sound a little more alive. The guitars are also mixed a little better.


Let me know what you guys think.
Gave the mix some body with the kick and bass.

Latest mix. Any advice would be much appreciated. Even if it's harsh. I just want to get better.


If anyone is interested in either doing a reamp or mixing this, I'm looking for a better guitar tone. I keep messing with amp sims but I can't get anything to sound how I want it.
Yeah I realized there was very little low end, the snare sucked, and the kick was way too clicky. Did some replacing and reEQing. I think it sounds a bit better.


I may post files for mixing later on when I get this a little more solid.