What do you stuff on masterchain?

I used to put nothing but a limiter (that I'd just switch on occasionally) for a long time, but I'm currently experimenting a bit. Right now I have an SSL style bus comp, Massey tapehead medium, a 2db high shelf at I think about 12K, a limiter and a meter.
on the mix?
Analog channel ac1.
on the master? sonnox eq sometimes, sometimes a multiband and ozone loudness maximizer
totally depends per project.

but usually, I'm using every slot on my master buss (in mix sessions, mind you. some of these are to benefit the mix and others are to get the 'glue' and loudness).

i'll have console emu, m/s EQ, buss comp, DSM and a finalizer.

also, THE GLUE by Cytomic absolutely shits on every other SSL Buss Comp plug out there.

'Nuff Said.

First plug will always be VCC from here on out.

Can you give me some example that use m/s eq and without m/s eq? I never had any success with m/s processing.

And btw what do you prefer, the glue or waves ssl? I'm planning to buy one of them.
I read Ermz thread that mention waves ssl is better than the glue. What do you think?

What kinda eq moves are you guys using m/s eq doing. Been experimenting with it lately and just pushing a bit more bottom down the centre and more highs on the sides. Pulling a little of each from the respective other channel. Finding it's helping it breathe a little and helping the stereo image a touch.
Hmm M/S eqing, interested in learning more about that if someone want to share their knowledge on how they use it :).

Right now my master buss looks a bit like this.

VCC input
a couple a nebula EQs doing gentle stuff, right now im in love with the pultec emulation from cdsoundmaster (rarely anything over 1db).
Waves SSL comp
Slate FG-X
What kinda eq moves are you guys using m/s eq doing. Been experimenting with it lately and just pushing a bit more bottom down the centre and more highs on the sides. Pulling a little of each from the respective other channel. Finding it's helping it breathe a little and helping the stereo image a touch.


Nebula CLC MBC
(option) Nebula Mammoth EQ or GMC EQ (to be replaced with hardware Pultec clone in near future)
(option) Nebula R2R Studer 30ips
(option) Nebula TB+
(option) Waves L1
iZotope Ozone 4
Hey Ermz, I was thinking of trying out ozone some more for the loudness maximizer, and was wondering if you could share what mode and character setting you generally prefer (for metal that is) ?

the limiter is supposed to be last in the chain so you never peak above 0.0 dbfs

mine is usually something like this

SSL bus compressor
PSP Vintage Warmer
SSL EQ (if needed)
2 instances of ozone loudness maximizer with different settings depending on the song