What do you stuff on masterchain?

How much are you normally pushing it?

However much is necessary to get into the level ballpark of the references. I rarely look at the numbers - just move the sliders and go. If anything sounds wrong at the level I have the mix going at, I'll know there is an imbalance somewhere, which is the beauty of working like this.

@brain: yes, with every new project I use Nebula more and more. I imagine in some years, as the technology matures, as does our available CPU power and RAM, I'll be using mostly Nebula-driven plug-ins alongside real hardware.
Can you give me some example that use m/s eq and without m/s eq? I never had any success with m/s processing.

And btw what do you prefer, the glue or waves ssl? I'm planning to buy one of them.
I read Ermz thread that mention waves ssl is better than the glue. What do you think?


IMO, waves ssl is cool for drum buss and whatnot, i've had good success with it, but for 2-buss, The Glue is king for me. No stereo width being fucked with and none of that weird rolloff thing it seems to do.

haven't tried the glue on anything bus 2-buss, really.... lol...

and for the record, m/s eq on the 2-buss is a GOD SEND. look at the brainworx stuff..... holy shitttttttttt
I know, if we use Master Buss Compressor, we should set the compressor first before start mixing

but is it the same method to set M/S EQ and Ozone First before you start mix? or is it different? (maybe set it in the end)

thank you
I know, if we use Master Buss Compressor, we should set the compressor first before start mixing

but is it the same method to set M/S EQ and Ozone First before you start mix? or is it different? (maybe set it in the end)

thank you

some people mix into a bit of compression to get an idea of what the mastered result will be like, but others won't recommend this if you're not extremely experienced. you shouldn't usually mix into ozone or EQ.

I use it a lot. Nothing useful in the free version AFAIK. The reason to get it is for the 3rd party libraries. All things considered, it's very cheap for what you get.

Also, if you're mixing into 6dB+ of gain reduction on the master bus, you literally HAVE to mix into it from very early on, otherwise the mix just won't make sense. You build the mix around that compression - it's a very different method of working to what most here would be used to. Took me several months to nut it out, but the end result was that mix that's currently going around in the RMM board.
I do:

Pultec EQP-1a (the plugin of course...for coloring, not doing much, just a bit of 60hz and/or 12k)
Waves REQ (to fix crappy mixes)
SSL Comp (for teh "glue")
Ozone (i sometimes use the exciter on this, but i mainly use it for the limiter with the ceiling at -0.4)

I would really want to have the Manley Massive Passive for mastering (the plugin) to use instead of the REQ
Should I EQ before or after the compressor? Does it make a difference?

i move the EQ up and down in the chain and compare it before/after the bus glue and i'll sit there staring at my screen like o_0 rubbing my chin whilst doing so until one makes me happier than the other. i recommend that's how you do it, as well.

the difference is with EQ before, your coloration gets compressed, and EQ after the coloration obviously is not as heavily compressed (but still does get some since i'm presuming you have limiter(s) of some sorts after)
The only other thing to consider is if you are doing heavy EQ, say for example, cutting a lot of low end, then if the compressor is before the EQ, it will be reacting to low end that you aren't hearing because of the EQ, so in that case it would be better to put the Compressor after the EQ, unless you were looking for an effect.
It really does depend, say you want to use ozone's tape saturation on 300hz till 2khz, but then, you want to widen just from 12khz up, you'll need another instance since that green upper bar where you have your spectrum range is the same for saturation and stereo widening. Although I dont use widening ever, just saying that it does make sense, or just stage compression really.
I mix into a HPF and buss compressor. Usually API or SSL. Then when the mix is done, I place some sort of tape saturation, and then a limiter/loudness plug-in like Elephant of FG-X. That's usually pretty much it. Used to do a lot of multiband compression before the limiter, but not so much anymore

Oh and since I bought VCC I'll probably have that as my first plug on the master from now on
Or if you want to use some parts of ozone earlier in your chain and the limiter from ozone last.

in options you can re-arrange the order of the modules.

i tried using two instances of the ozone limiter and was very pleased... became a prime example of RMS metering being deceiving, elephant was reading -11 RMS but the printed master was blowing away lots of commercial records. i stand corrected!