what do you think about Dark Tranquillity

DT make me feel all warm and fuzzy. I can't really get into Character though; it just doesn't have the same memorable and epic melody that anything previous had. It tries to be too 'heavy' for its own good.
Haha...I totally love this band.

I agree with J. on Projector and Haven. Projector has its moments, but is mostly boring as shit; Haven is just great. I also found Damage Done to be somewhat plodding and recycled, but "Monochromatic Stains" is still timeless. What a great single pick. And Skydancer and The Gallery? :worship:

I enjoyed what I heard of Character. I'm sure it will be like the early DT albums and grow on me with time as opposed to Haven's immediate appeal.

And J-P was spot on about Kreator, as per usual.
I like Damage Done and Projector from Dark Tranquility. Nice melodic death metal, and still one of the best bands at it. Their new album, Character also rules. If you liked their last one and don't like the direction In Flames and Soilwork are going, you should like this.

As for Kreator, Coma Of Souls is a classic and must-own for any thrash fan. Hail to the almighty thrash guitar riff!
Kreator and Dark Tranquillity are touring together.

I love Dark Tranquillity. They were the first Gothenburg band I fell in love with, and I still believe they have the made the best material in that particullar scene, with the exception of older At the Gates and Eucharist.

As for Kreator, definately one of my favorite thrash bands, together with Slayer and Metallica.