what do you think about Dark Tranquillity

I actually like Dark Tranqullity's "The Gallery." Don't ask me why, I just do. Nothing else of their's really puts an impression on me.

Kreator fucking owns. Their first 5 albums and their recent two will tear you in half.
Dark Tranquility are awesome, i have a full set of theres on my comp it's awesome! As for Kreator i havent even heard them and i find that unusual.
dark tranquillity fucking owns for sure, seeing live is a hell of an experience as well. one of teh best shows ive ever been to. anyways anyone who isnt convinced DT fucking rules, i suggest you check out razor fever!!!
nex week I am going to a metal festiva (concert)
from Dark Tranquillity, Kreator, Hatesphere and Ekomorf(not sure if its ekomorf)
has anyone heared of Hatesphere and Ekomorf
are the good?
yeah hatesphere is pretty good actually, im trying to think of a good way to describe them, um im not really sure but its something of a cross between pro-pain and your garden variety melo-death band. and hey you gotta respect a band that has their own label, which is called SURPRISE hatesphere
I don't understand why people hate Haven. It's one of their best, easly surpassing Damage Done and the failed experiment Projector, of which only 4 songs are listenable.
J. said:
I don't understand why people hate Haven. It's one of their best, easly surpassing Damage Done and the failed experiment Projector, of which only 4 songs are listenable.

You like Dark Tranquillity? o_o
I like The Gallery and Projector , I only own The Gallery which is the essential album of DT.
J. said:
I don't understand why people hate Haven. It's one of their best, easly surpassing Damage Done and the failed experiment Projector, of which only 4 songs are listenable.
I gave Haven a few listens and I thought the album was too soft. My bro also agrees with me that this is their worst album.
Jean-Pierre said:
You like Dark Tranquillity? o_o
Sure. I honestly can't remember listening to an entire album from them, but they do have some gems in their older material. And I feel they write good songs, for the most part. I don't feel they have a perfect album, but when compared to the likes of their former peers, DT stand tall.