What do you think of these guys?? New, Oldschool Metal


The Good Doctor
Jul 26, 2004
These guys are a fairly New (NOT NU) Metal bands. With all the attributes of some of the best 80's metal these kids are gonna rise fast Me Thinks.

Steven Simpson - Lead Guitar and Vocals (16 years old)
Nick Alderton - Rhythm Guitar (18 years old)
Max Griffith - Bass (16 years old)
Jamie Bridgeman - Drums (16 years old)

CHeck out the website, some of you may be impressed.


Peace my metal Brothers

The Good Doctor
ohh, keep in mind this was made about 6 months ago. They've got more songs now (way better then the ones on the site) and he has been training his voice. He listens to lots of maiden and dungeon.

Thanks for the possitive posts!
Negative ones welcome too.

Peace my metal Brothers!!

The Good Doctor
Igor_Cavalera said:
Just listened to "Holocaust" I like it. Reminds me of Sepultura around the "Beneath The Remains" era. :rock:
"Beneath the Remains" and "Arise" are among my favorite thrash albums. I have their "Under Siege - Live in Barcalona" vid and its brilliant.
Dont ever get Sepultura's Against album.. fucking sucks.. gave me a headache lol thank god i got it as a promo years ago when i used to work at a record store and didnt spend money on that crappy album..