What do you think of this guitar sound?

That is true music theory wise, but when it comes to guitar tunings, you don't really go by E#, I've never ever seen an extended range guitarist refer to a low F tuning as E#
a minor quibble, and not worth the effort to type it IMO, of the sort best left at the door in these types of discussions, as they don't cut to the heart of the matter at all, but merely serve to "pile-on"... a practice that, in direct contradiction to it's supposed intended purpose, actually dilutes the core arguments/points of discussion.
This is one of those kids that needs the extra "encouragement."
Finger-quotes and extra emphasis on each syllable to boot.

But yeah, I'm done for now. I almost feel a little sorry for the kid, ALMOST.
Maybe it's just my caffeine high wearing off.

You dude, are just a pain in the ass motherfucker. I'd like to see you get a good sound when your guitar is tuned down to E.

I have read peoples advice on here, and will use it, but this song has been recorded, I can't change the sound now.

One I start recording my newer songs, with my guitar tuned back up to standard, I will start adding the mids back, but why did you all have to be so hostile? I said nothing and got a shit-storm of crap thrown at me.

And GarethSE, I know we have argued before, but I'm getting pretty fucking sick of it now. I did nothing to insult you on here, all I did was ask what people thought of the sound of a ROUGH MIX of a song.
Öwen;8652149 said:
Say what you like, he has the common sense not to take it down there in the first place :lol:

Have to agree with you here. There's really no reason to tune down to F on a standard scale 6-string. It's just too low.
hey I like ezd! having started on a linn drum, I'm pretty easy to please though :erk: the double bass sounded like a machine gun and the hi hat was like something out of a sci fi movie. I rocked that shizzle, hehe.
"You listen to a fucking Meshuggah record again and realise that you're a clueless wanker who has no idea what mids sound like"

Meshuggah ultra scoop their sound, everyone knows it, just listen to a song like Humiliative or Spasm and you will hear that there are almost no mids at all.

"my man period, fuck you"

Fuck you, maybe the radon has got to your head dude.

"the fucking Black Album (not that I like that album or it's production because I think the songs are shit and that the mix is shit"

So you think that the Black Album sounds like shit? Does Bob Rock not know how to produce a album? do you know more than Bob Rock and James Hetfield?

I don't think so.

If you really want to see how good your sound is, I will send you the direct tracks of my song and we will see who can get the better sound, but until you prove you can get a better sound for ultra detuned metal, go fuck yourself.
I think the bashing in this thread is a bit too much... or atleast the cursing and stuff may have been too much. It really dropped the forum's level down a bit if you ask me :O Anyway...

muckypup1, you say Spasm is ultra scooped and contains no mids? It may very well be correct that Meshuggah used a very scooped sound on the "Nothing" album, but does that make it okay for you to go on a crusade against all mids? Did you ever stop on the way to think "does this REALLY sound GOOD?"? I just listened to Spasm and I have to say... yeah, it sounds like shit. If you want to go for that kind of tone, go ahead, but don't expect too many positive comments on your tone from anyone other than 14 year olds who have just discovered Meshuggah and low tunings.

It just feels like you think Meshuggah are gods and therefore you HAVE to copy their tone, even though it just makes you sound like shit.
"You listen to a fucking Meshuggah record again and realise that you're a clueless wanker who has no idea what mids sound like"

Meshuggah ultra scoop their sound, everyone knows it, just listen to a song like Humiliative or Spasm and you will hear that there are almost no mids at all.

"my man period, fuck you"

Fuck you, maybe the radon has got to your head dude.

"the fucking Black Album (not that I like that album or it's production because I think the songs are shit and that the mix is shit"

So you think that the Black Album sounds like shit? Does Bob Rock not know how to produce a album? do you know more than Bob Rock and James Hetfield?

I don't think so.

If you really want to see how good your sound is, I will send you the direct tracks of my song and we will see who can get the better sound, but until you prove you can get a better sound for ultra detuned metal, go fuck yourself.

No he is of the opinion that he doesn't like the Black album, what part of that do you not understand? Deduction of that caliber doesn't come into it.

What do you honestly want from this place anyway? I mean really, we've all seen Gareth's credentials and now we've all seen yours, and if this was a dick waving contest, like you seem to want so much, his would be bigger. Now either you start injecting growth hormones into your audio schlong at about this point or you accept the fact that the jokes on you right about now.

No seriously, what is this bullshit, the riffs are so dull I'd rather have someone stick their dick in my ear than listen to them again, and even you're not sure what tuning it is in, what were you trying to prove with this topic? That you can go looooooooooooooooow?? Well if you want to get shit low and unintelligible then you go and find the nearest small farm animal (most have similar intelligence to yourself, you might find the pillow talk might be relatable), not bother us with your crap - I mean you've already tried to sell our shit back to us, reamping with free amp sims, Ezdrummer our midi tracks for cash, and if I REALLY wanted to throw money at bullshit already I'd buy some wacky dust and try and snort it through my anus.

Do you know what I am saying?
yes, the bashing... on both sides... is more than over the top now. knock it off please.

about the tone/tuning... i couldn't get past the poor intonation caused by the inappropriately (for the scale of the guitar) low tuning. bring the mids up and get a baitone guitar and heavy guage srings.. and bring the tuning up to A or B. then intonate the guitar before recording.
*witnesses a ton of violence toward a guy who tunes low* lmao, well it sounded a bit sludgy to me. my 2 cents.
If you still can't hear that Meshuggah have mids in their sound, you're a fucking cretin and I'm just going to assume you were dropped on your head as an infant. How anyone can be so collosally, overwhelmingly, intensely fucking stupid is a strange and wonderful thing.
Yes, on the earlier stuff they DIP their fucking mids because it gives you a fairly percussive sound. What they did not do is turn the mids to 0 and the treble to fucking 10. This clip sounds like my first practice amp. You're supposed to be the kid with the good tone, where is it? Because I'm sure as hell not hearing it here.
And as for the tone on the original version of Nothing, yeah it's pretty scooped, but it's also probably their worst guitar tone and worst mix by fucking far. I can listen to Cryptopsy despite disgusting production, but I can't get through a song of the original version of Nothing. It sounds like shit and it's definately not something you should be aspiring to. You may enjoy it for its quirks, but it's not something to aspire to, just as I don't aspire to do a repeat of None So Vile's mix.

As for the man period thing. I was tired and caffeine high and looking for some lulz. If you didn't want to get yelled at by an angry young man with a working set of ears and too much spare time you could have always considered, y'know, not being shit or something.

And please, if you'd like to give me DI tracks and drum midi's for this I'd be all over mixing this clip.

You dude, are just a pain in the ass motherfucker. I'd like to see you get a good sound when your guitar is tuned down to E.
Yes, I am. And if you'd like to see that so much then gief DI's.

I have read peoples advice on here, and will use it, but this song has been recorded, I can't change the sound now.
lern 2 re-amp

One I start recording my newer songs, with my guitar tuned back up to standard, I will start adding the mids back, but why did you all have to be so hostile? I said nothing and got a shit-storm of crap thrown at me.
Please, don't bother recording any new songs, I don't think I have enough spare time to rage as hard as I did this morning all over again. And why start adding mids back when you tune up to standard? Has it not occured to you that perhaps the lower you go the more clarity you will need? And mids are where the clarity's at with guitars man. Guitars are mid-range instruments.

And GarethSE, I know we have argued before, but I'm getting pretty fucking sick of it now. I did nothing to insult you on here, all I did was ask what people thought of the sound of a ROUGH MIX of a song.
We haven't argued before. You are a developing nation and I am America. I come in and stomp all over you. You HAVE insulted me here. You've insulted my ears, my intelligence, and you've insulted Charles fucking Darwin too by damn near disproving natural selection single-handedly. How a creature as stupid as you still exists is beyond me.

But look, let's sum it up. I will stop being a cunt to you when you stop being so fucking shit. You know how you're going to do that? By looking past my vitriol and realising that I made perfectly fucking valid points in my earlier post. You got compliments, you got an ego boost, someone comes in and calls you out on a shit tone and you sweep it under the carpet. YOUR FUCKING CRITICS are who will make you improve, so by all logic, since I'm your biggest critic, you should probably start listening to what I have to say.
Yeah, Chaosphere is where it's at for Meshuggah's best tone IMO.

In the meantime, when Gareth calms down, I'm gonna play a lot more nicely and give you advice in a way that will be condescending or insulting in any way.
To the OP, I want you to do this for me:
In your DAW, or whatever, insert a track from Pantera's Vulgar Display of Power which is basically one of the quintessential mid scooped tones.
And then next to it, place a track from Chaosphere, or the I EP or Bleed, whatever, but basically not anything from Nothing, because that was their worst tone/mix from the post DEI period anyway and I agree with Gareth on that.
You will hear a fuck ton more mids, less fix, far more clarity and articulation, and WAY more percussive chunk.

If you can re record your song on a longer scale instrument and with more mids, do it, because it'll sound infinitely better, I can guarantee.
The reason why Meshuggah sound like they do in their more recent times of using 8 strings is because :

A. They use 30 inch scale guitars which allows them to use a sensible string gauge that doesn't have terrible intonation and the longer scale lends itself to far more clarity and attack in those kind of depths of tuning.

B. They have the right kind of pickups for the pickups for the job. I don't know what you use, but I do know Meshuggah now use Lundgren. You might already be using EMGs, I couldn't see from the video, but those are also super good for maintaining clarity at lower tunings (EMG 81 in particular, for 6 strings anyhow).

C : The mids are prominent enough that they enhance the percussive nature of their playing, but not so much that they make it sound honky which in the case of any guitar tone is generally when you've added too many mids.

D: The guitars work with the bass guitar.
They compliment each other.
The key word is compliment here.
If you simply add a bass guitar to the current tone, you'll be supplementing it.
They wont be really working together, instead you're just trying to add bass guitar to a tone to make up for it's inherent weaknesses, which will only further damage the tone and make it worse.
Build a good guitar tone from the ground up and then sculpt the bass guitar around it.
It's going to be far easier to re record the guitar tone, get it good and be able to work the bass guitar into that, rather than recording bass and fighting unnecessarily to try to get it to glue together right.
Here is a good thread concerning bass guitar tone:


Hope that helps.
I am also pretty keen on getting my hands on the DI and drum midi.

And Harry I'm calm as a hindu cow babeh ;)