What do you think of this mix?


The Unholy Thpoo
Dec 19, 2002
(UC)Santa Barbara, CA
I just recorded a song, trying to go for a Vehemence sort of vibe, production-wise. What do you guys think?

Link: http://uweb.ucsb.edu/~tlyakhov/Ashes/01.%20Haloed%20Thorns.mp3

Recording done using a BC Rich 7-string Warlock with swapped in EMG 707 in the bridge position, thru a Digitech RPx400 direct into the computer with heavily tweaked presets.

Drums done using Fruity Loops and Natural Studio ns_kit 7 samples, except for the bass drum which is a tweaked Fruity Loops sample to give it more of that triggered kick sound. Vocals recorded with a Shure SM-58. Mix done using Adobe Audition.

the links in your sig don't work.

please teach me how to use fruity loops and those drum samples with it

your song is d/ling now.
Yeah, my websites are down until next week when my server gets fixed. Um...teach you Fruity Loops? It's really not that difficult. If you check out the helpfile that comes with it, it's very useful. For Natural Studio, I'd suggest getting a soundfont plugin first. I use "sfz" from rgc audio. You can do a search on that. Then just add an sfz channel, open the natural studio kit in it, go into the piano roll for the channel, and start making your beats.
I'm trying to use NS with Sonar. These PDF files keep telling me to run DR-008, but I have no idea what that is. Please help.

And what exactly is this SoundFont?
google and a forum search here are your best friends. If I can figure it out in two hours, so can you. If you can't do it after reading the 50 or so helpful posts in this forum alone, feel free to start a new post and get flamed to hell. Besides, you didn't even critique my mix (my original purpose here was to figure out how to make it better, you know), so why should I type a detailed instructional reply when you haven't taken 5 minutes of your time to help me?

Sorry if that was a bit mean, but there are way too many people who want to be spoon-fed.
I'm a newbie musician so my opinions mean precisely dick. But since you asked I'll give my opinion on the piece.

The singer seems typical of someone "new". The basis is pretty good it just seems like he needs to break his style in. No problem here besides things that I have a personal distaste for. (which don't count)

The guitar riffs are done pretty well overall. A few places the writing itself seems to get a little abrupt rather than flowing. Specifically, the harmonies done between the guitars start fine and just ... stop at what seems to be an unopportune moment. This is just nit picking.

Bass...ah yes the bass... I can't tell you much because I have virtually no understanding of the dynamics involved. Sorry.

Drums; same as the bass. I will say the to the unlearned ear of mine they sounded quite good. I am an ardent advocate of keeping the drums nicely in the background. You kindly keep them there. Too often I find myself distracted by overpronounced drums in music.

Production: Very good. I've heard many-a-contracted band with far poorer production. (for all i know YOU are contracted) Either way, I liked it.

I hope this helps... (knowing me I probably didn't address aything you wanted to have commented on) Sorry being musically ignorant as well.
I'm quite terrible with production- but I'd say you did a failry good job. Vocals seemed high in the mix but otherwise, not too shabby. I wish I could get a sound that good!
Thraxz: interesting that you say I need to break my style in (vocals). Is there anything specific I did that made i seem that way? Like...was my timing off somewhere or something? I've been growling for like..a year, so I was kind of surprised that you said that.

Harmonies...yeah, I'm kind of a fan of interesting harmonic arrangements where the guitars don't just stay in thirds all the way through a riff. Thanks for the compliment though :)

Bass: Believe it or not, there is no bass, it's just two guitars that are EQed somewhat creatively. I really suck at writing bass lines that sound interesting, so I just let the guitars handle the low end.

Drums: Wow, thanks for the compliment. Most of people's complaints with my music is that the drums sound too fake or too precise (since they're programmed), so I guess I fooled somebody with this one :)

Production: *bows*...I sure wish I was contracted/signed

Death's Acre: Thanks. Vocals high in the mix...hm...maybe a tiny bit. I'll fuck with it some more.
Shard said:
google and a forum search here are your best friends. If I can figure it out in two hours, so can you. If you can't do it after reading the 50 or so helpful posts in this forum alone, feel free to start a new post and get flamed to hell. Besides, you didn't even critique my mix (my original purpose here was to figure out how to make it better, you know), so why should I type a detailed instructional reply when you haven't taken 5 minutes of your time to help me?

Sorry if that was a bit mean, but there are way too many people who want to be spoon-fed.

I have used my time for the original purpose of this thread. I listened to your song about 3 times and then got distracted trying to make my own drum beats with NS and got frustrated. sorry. hearign NS in your song showed me that it sounds more realistic than the keyboard drums i am currently using.

I think the song is pretty good production-wise. I didn't like the vocals, but that could just be my taste. And I think they are a but too loud like the others mentioned. I think the song itself is very good though.
heh, sorry that you got frustrated. It does take a bit of practice. The forums at NS are also a good place to look for production info.

"I think the song is pretty good production-wise."

Vocals: Anything specific you didn't like?

"And I think they are a but too loud like the others mentioned."


"I think the song itself is very good though."

Thank you very much :)
That's funny. I liked the vocals, because they were different. It's a nice change from the usual. You let a lot of your actual voice slip through, so I'm not really sure I'd call it a growl- but it sounds very human, and that's something that's missing from metal a lot of the time. If you want to learn how to do different types of growls though, you might just do a search in the forums. I think theres even a thread in this forum that I posted in not long ago at all.
Shard said:
Thraxz: interesting that you say I need to break my style in (vocals). Is there anything specific I did that made i seem that way? Like...was my timing off somewhere or something? I've been growling for like..a year, so I was kind of surprised that you said that. .

Don't get me wrong its not bad. You just don't quite sound at home with what you are doing... maybe thats because a lot of little nuances are exposed because it is so far in the front of the song that wouldn't be there were it otherwise.

After a few more listens I heard you (try?) to overlap yourself on vocals about 3/4 through the song. (This is a comment but a question of whether I was right or not)

Shard said:
Bass: Believe it or not, there is no bass, it's just two guitars that are EQed somewhat creatively. I really suck at writing bass lines that sound interesting, so I just let the guitars handle the low end.

I plead the Newbie amendment that protects me from making an ass out of myself giving crappy comments.

Shard said:
Drums: Wow, thanks for the compliment. Most of people's complaints with my music is that the drums sound too fake or too precise (since they're programmed), so I guess I fooled somebody with this one :)

Refer to above responce.

Shard said:
Production: *bows*...I sure wish I was contracted/signed.

I could see it happening if all of your songs sound this good. If Krisiun can get published you can too. (Sorry if you like Krisiun... I sure don't)
Intro was 17 secs too long IMO-

Good rythm on the Vocals too, they also sounded really good but it would be better if you could sing in some parts and then use the Growl in other parts.

At 1:20- the double bass is Techno fast, Slow it down a bit. Plus i think you should get a Drummer to help you with the drum lines.

1:07 riff kinda sounds like a slayer riff, i don't know i'v have to check in to it.
1:38 riff (no offence) is an Opeth Rip-Off IMO ; But it was the timing on the change is flawless
2:20 double bass is way too fast, also make the drums grind on a crash symbol perhaps?
2:35 riff rules
2:50 riff rules
Good keyboard work at 3:50
Take the Growl out at 3:54
Ending was Great.

Over all,

Vocals - Awesome
Guitar - Fucking Awesome
Bass - Couldn't hear the bass, but i could lay down some Phat Bass lines for that song
Drums - Maby i'm wrong but that was a drum machine? You need a Drumer to work with ya there, Drums were kinda off

not bad mate not bad at all. I'd Jam with ya. Can you sing and play Guitar at same time?
Shard said:
heh, sorry that you got frustrated. It does take a bit of practice. The forums at NS are also a good place to look for production info.

"I think the song is pretty good production-wise."

Vocals: Anything specific you didn't like?

"And I think they are a but too loud like the others mentioned."

I dunno, I think I just prefer a lower and more growly vocal style.

I got Fruity Loops 4.1 now. I don't get this! haha
Thraxz: Thanks for the critiques and such. I sure wish I would get signed, but there's a snowball's chance in hell of that happening.


"Intro was 17 secs too long IMO-"

Well, it's the first song on the album. It needed some sort of nebulous thing in it.

"Good rythm on the Vocals too, they also sounded really good but it would be better if you could sing in some parts and then use the Growl in other parts."

I sure wish I could sing :) Thanks for the compliment.

"At 1:20- the double bass is Techno fast, Slow it down a bit. Plus i think you should get a Drummer to help you with the drum lines."

Well, the guitar melody is simple and fairly slow sounding, so I wanted a drumbeat to make it sound like it just sort of....rolled. The snare and the hat do that, and the double bass gives it more speed and a kind of "wall of sound" feel. If I slowed it down, it would fuck up the riff. Drummers are hard as hell to find. In my 2 years of searching for a band, I have yet to find a half-decent drummer who's into my style.

"1:07 riff kinda sounds like a slayer riff, i don't know i'v have to check in to it."

*Shrug* simplest riff ever. It's like...6 notes and a rhythmic fill.

"1:38 riff (no offence) is an Opeth Rip-Off IMO ; But it was the timing on the change is flawless"

LOL, I love Opeth and have all their albums, but that riff has nothing to do with Opeth. I'd say the last riff is way more of an Opeth-style melody.

"also make the drums grind on a crash symbol perhaps?"

What do you mean exactly?

"2:35 riff rules"
"2:50 riff rules"

Thanks. :)

"Good keyboard work at 3:50"`

Ummm...no keyboards here, all guitars. Did you mean the lead? It's just mid-heavy tremolo-picked. THanks, though.

"Take the Growl out at 3:54"

Meh, I like it.

"Ending was Great."


"Over all,

Vocals - Awesome
Guitar - Fucking Awesome
Bass - Couldn't hear the bass, but i could lay down some Phat Bass lines for that song
Drums - Maby i'm wrong but that was a drum machine? You need a Drumer to work with ya there, Drums were kinda off"

Thanks for the compliments. Bass doesn't exist. Feel free to record some bass to it if you want, I'll put it in my album and give you credit. Yes, the drumming is drum machined, and I wish I knew a decent drummer. It's not by choice you know.

"not bad mate not bad at all. I'd Jam with ya. Can you sing and play Guitar at same time?"

Yes, I can play and sing at the same time, though not everything. You're the 7-string-bass-playing arrogant prick right? I sure wouldn't like to jam with you. Sorry, but egos do not belong in music.
I'd be interested in checking it out... But I get an "Error - Access Denied" when I try to download the MP3.