What do you think of this?


Mar 6, 2007
What do you think of this attempt at thrash metal jammage?


If anyone is interested I'll post recording details.

Also... I'd really love it if one of you guys were up for writing and recording some vocals for this......the song also needs some lead guitar work if anyone would be up for that :rock:
Pretty cool, digging the old school vibe man. Definately could hear some Exodus like vocals or something on this.
NP man! I do play guitar but I haven't picked up an electric in a few years. If you let me know what key the track is in and where you want some lead work I can give it a try though!
This alternates between C and C# (or D flat depending on your scale progression). My guitar is tuned to Drop B, though.
I'm thinking at 2:26 when it switches back to the intro riff would be a cool spot to intro into a lead and then when the thrash groove comes back in at 2:46 break into some shredding and finally ring or fade out when the chorus/bridge riff comes in around 3:12. I didn't write a lead section for this so I'm just going based off of listening to it just now and what I think would sound cool. I'm all for any ideas you have though so dont think what I've said is mandatory. :rock:
Thanks man :rock: I'm not thrilled with it either... I'm hoping to score some new emgs after tax time in a couple weeks... hopefully that will help with the woofy mushiness I currently get. Either that or I should change my strings...yeah.
Anyone else care to share what you think before this disappears into never-neverland with everything else nobody gives 2 chits ab00t mang?! C'mon. I know the guitar tone sucks donkey balls but what about the writing and contrast inside the mix itself?
Anyone wanna scream over the top of this?