what do you think of tribute bands?


Alas, yet again, the plinkety-plonkety guitar sections and effects wankery annoys rather than entertains, and the death metal sections are tedious examples of generic toss-pottery.
Im not a fan of tribute bands. I rather those people focus their talents on creating something new instead of trying to duplicate something another band has done. There is also the fact that most bands have emotional and personal reasons for writing and playing the music they do. The tribute bands mostly do not have those reasons and only duplicate the song on a technical level, leaving out the emotional aspect of the music.
It's kind of funny in a sad way when people who get kicked out of a band start or join a cover/tribute band which covers their ex-band. Like Paul Di'Anno for example. If you have even the slightest shred of dignity you just don't do that.
I wouldn't bother seeing cover bands, but there should only be cover bands for bands that are no longer playing. Doing a few covers to get started is ok.
It's kind of funny in a sad way when people who get kicked out of a band start or join a cover/tribute band which covers their ex-band. Like Paul Di'Anno for example. If you have even the slightest shred of dignity you just don't do that.

And here's where I'll say again that that whole Priest/Ripper thing was an embarrassment...
I don't find it lame, as long as it isn't all you do. If you do a tribute band on the side of your main project, then rock on. If you do a cover band that covers many diverse things, then rock on. Just make sure you have room for creativity.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Krisiun is the only band that resembles a "tribute" that I enjoy, but you can only rearrange Morbid Angel's first 3 albums so many times.


Krisiun is pretty awful. It's really typical to try and sound/recreate slayer and morbid angel. You don't see much diversity in what people are heavily influenced by. I think it would be more great if a group of individuals succesfully continued from an album from where a band left off, like a tribute but not actually one. You never hear of a band resemble something oldschool unless it's like celtic frost,slayer, and morbid angel. Atleast I have not. It's like jesus christ already. You also have those paradise lost/katatonia type bands which are good in a general sence, but what about something else for a change. Majority of new bands sounds like slayer mixed with hardcore or something.
The Greys said:

Krisiun is pretty awful. It's really typical to try and sound/recreate slayer and morbid angel. You don't see much diversity in what people are heavily influenced by. I think it would be more great if a group of individuals succesfully continued from an album from where a band left off, like a tribute but not actually one. You never hear of a band resemble something oldschool unless it's like celtic frost,slayer, and morbid angel. Atleast I have not. It's like jesus christ already. You also have those paradise lost/katatonia type bands which are good in a general sence, but what about something else for a change. Majority of new bands sounds like slayer mixed with hardcore or something.

Kind of, but the point is most people are influenced by what was good. If, rather than being influenced by MA or Slayer, more bands were influenced by, say, also-rans like Maeovoelent Creation or Xentrix, I can't honestly think that the metal we would get as a consequence would be any better.

Other than that, good point well made, Greys.
Leiland said:
I wouldn't bother seeing cover bands, but there should only be cover bands for bands that are no longer playing. Doing a few covers to get started is ok.

I think i'm starting to go insane, I didn't read that as ''doing" as in do-ing, I read it as DOING like DOING! the onomanapea. And so I giggled and thought "haha funny word" then was like "oh. :|"

Tribute bands are great if they are paying tribute to the right bands. :)
It's not rocket science to come up with a Slayer so that might have something to do with it. If I come up with a slayer riff that goes right in the trash. I would have trouble ripping off sentenced 'north from here' or something like that though. I refuse to be one of those bands that sounds a mix between newer at the gates and slayer.
Cover bands are different from tribute (aka worship) bands. Cover bands play cover songs, tribute/worship bands write their own music, but they emulate a particular band's style.