"What do you think you're looking at, sugar tits?"


Sep 11, 2005
Mad Mel in boozy rampage

July 31, 2006 12:00am
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ACTOR Mel Gibson launched a vicious anti-Semitic rant when he was arrested for drink-driving, according to a confidential police report.

The Los Angeles deputy sheriff who arrested Gibson on Friday said the Aussie star spouted anti-Semitic remarks, called a female deputy "sugar tits", tried to evade arrest, smashed a phone and threatened to urinate in his cell.
"F---ing Jews -- the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," Gibson is reported to have said.

He then asked the deputy: "Are you a Jew?"

A contrite Gibson, 50, yesterday admitted to being an alcoholic and apologised for "being completely out of control" when arrested. He admitted he'd said things that were despicable.

"I acted like a person completely out of control . . . and said things that I do not believe to be true and which are despicable," he said. "I am deeply ashamed of everything I said and I apologise to anyone I have offended."

According to the leaked police report, the star became agitated after he was stopped for speeding about 7.30pm (Melbourne time) on Friday near his Malibu mansion.

An opened bottle of tequila was allegedly found in the car.

A test revealed his blood-alcohol level was .12, exceeding California's .08 legal limit. He was clocked at 140km/h, well over the 72km/h limit.

The arrest report and other accounts by police revealed:

THE actor swore uncontrollably, repeatedly saying: "My life is f---ed."

GIBSON resisted arrest, telling police "I'm not going to get in your car", and bolting to his own car. The deputy subdued

and cuffed Gibson, and put him in the patrol car.

GIBSON began banging against the seat. The report says Gibson told the deputy: "You motherf---er. I'm going to f--- you."

GIBSON threatened the deputy, saying he "owned Malibu" and would spend all his money to get even.

AT the station, Gibson yelled at a female sergeant: "What do you think you're looking at, sugar tits?"
IN the cell, he tried to unzip his pants to urinate.

Gibson then demanded to make a phone call. When he got no dial tone, he reportedly threw the receiver against the phone.

He refused to sign the necessary paperwork and was put in a detox cell.

Deputy James Mee wrote an eight-page report detailing Gibson's rampage and comments.

Sources say the sergeant on duty felt the report was too inflammatory and tried to block its release.

Deputy Mee was told Gibson's comments would incite a lot of Jewish hatred and that the situation in Israel was "way too inflammatory".

Deputy Mee was told to write another report for public release, omitting the inflammatory comments. But four pages of the original handwritten report were leaked yesterday.

The LA County Sheriff's Department said it would investigate whether Gibson was given preferential treatment by trying to suppress his remarks.

Gibson later released a statement saying he was ashamed of his actions.

"I disgraced myself and my family with my behavior and for that I am truly sorry," he said. "I have battled with the disease of alcoholism for all of my adult life and profoundly regret my horrific relapse.

"I apologise for any behavior unbecoming of me in my inebriated state and have already taken necessary steps to ensure my return to health."

In 2004, Gibson riled the Jewish community with his movie The Passion of The Christ, which many said was anti-Semitic.

Jewish groups said Gibson's latest outburst had revealed his true colours.

"It appears that the combination of liquor and arrest has revealed his true character," said Abraham H. Foxman, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League.

Mr Foxman has called for Hollywood to ostracise the actor and director.

"We believe there should be consequences to bigots and bigotry," he said.

"One way to combat bigots is to put a price on bigotry. I would hope that if this is in fact true that his colleagues condemn him and distance themselves from him."

In 1996, Gibson won two Oscars for directing and producing the epic Braveheart.

He became one of Hollywood's richest figures when he financed and directed The Passion of The Christ in 2004, receiving a large chunk of the $1.3 billion the film earned at the box office and in video sales.

:lol: :lol: sugar tits = funny as hell. :lol: :lol:
Dr.TEETH said:
Mad Mel in boozy rampage

THE actor swore uncontrollably, repeatedly saying: "My life is f---ed."
Yep, I wish my life was that "f---ed". It must be rough being a BILLINAIRE with nothing better to do than get drunk! These rich fucks just don't get it. Try living paycheck to paycheck for a while, then tell me how "f---ed" your fucking life is, ya dumb, rascist bastard! (MikeyBong crawls down off his soapbox now!)
hahahaha once again i cant help but feel the guys of south park have nailed it on the head with their episode on him....... surely its just a matter of time before he starts pooing in the street and getting people to punish him for his sins........

crazy ole gibson. what u looking at sugar tits? ... is my phrase of the week from this point tho........
Believe me Ive said alot worse when I was so far gone on a 3 month bender I'd make George Carlin blush. Doesnt make me a racist, just a hater of all things human. Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Satanic, Agnostic and Atheist. I fucking hate them all. All politicans , all parties all people, especially the old and small children. However, Gibson, should shut the fuck up about his life. Like Mikey said. Try living paycheck to paycheck and then barely scrapping by. How about them apples sugar tits?
Poor Mel, whats happened to him? Ever since he made 'The Passion Of the Christ' hes just been weird. Hes losing it like Tom Cruise did.
fuelee2004 said:
Poor Mel, whats happened to him? Ever since he made 'The Passion Of the Christ' hes just been weird. Hes losing it like Tom Cruise did.
Yes, but he's losing it to much less hilarous god.
lol, poor Mel Gibson

edit: actually no, remove the word "poor" from that statement... I believe I was just trying to say "lol, Mel Gibson"
So the guy's an anti-semit, that's his sacred right. He didn't kill anybody, didn't try to put Scottie and Danny into the gas chamber. The fucking media and moronic jewish activists, esp. all those rabis-crooks, need to leave him alone. Charge him for DWI, take his fucking license, and move on. I'm 3/4 jewish by the way...
So the guy's an anti-semit, that's his sacred right. He didn't kill anybody, didn't try to put Scottie and Danny into the gas chamber. The fucking media and moronic jewish activists, esp. all those rabis-crooks, need to leave him alone. Charge him for DWI, take his fucking license, and move on. I'm 3/4 jewish by the way...

So he can shit talk the jews, but we can't shit talk him. I love freedom.
Yes you can watch and LEARN! MEl Gibson Loves the cock Riggs should have but ass raped by the chink in Lethal Weapon 4,,, The passion of the christ 2 was better then the original, Hey mel want a beer..... See Shit talkin is that easy. I'm just not in a posistion to talk it to his face.