What does ADI stand for on ADI Horror of it all?

hahaha ... douche is such a classy word, but jockthrax, i defo wouldnt put one up your ass if i were you :)

cootchie means pipe? wha?. didnt 2live crew have a song called pop a cootchie?!!? hmmm hazy school days/daze.... can't.... remember :) why would u pop a pipe tho?!?!? baffling hip hop dudes
If you look closely, Frankie has a sticker on his bass that has a logo and the word douche underneath it. Is he trying to tell us something????
If you look closely, Frankie has a sticker on his bass that has a logo and the word douche underneath it. Is he trying to tell us something????
A while back, about 1999, I emailed the 'thrax boys plegding my undying loyalty, and I asked what ADI was. I got a reply back with a huge amount of thanks. Whomever wrote it back, must not know how to read english, I think it was Brent. They told me it stood for Adolesence In Red. But that is A.I.R. HHHmmmm....."ok...." Thanks for the definition though, I could not figure out what it stood for either, I figured (knowing Anthrax) it was something funny.
Karina_666 said:
a douche is an aparatus used for feminie hygenie. I other words, it cleans our twats.

in a live interview in 96 or 97 on mtv ozzy called the spice girls SPICE TWATS...

my sister couldn't stop laughing...:tickled:
Twat. Whatever happened to that word. I don't hear it nearly as often as I used to.

"Tell that TWAT to get some JELLY!"
This is one hell of a thread revival, I'm aware. However, I desperately need to know what the abbreviations such as A.I.R, and S.S.C mean.
In Dutch we use the same word, 'douche' for shower. We took it directly from French.

But in Anthrax' case:
Slang use: Douchebag, or simply douche, is considered to be a pejorative term. The slang usage of the term dates back to the 1960s. The term refers to a person with a variety of negative qualities, specifically arrogance and engaging in obnoxious and/or irritating actions without malicious intent.

Oh, and there was of course this in '85 S.O.D. :headbang:
Why do you play so fast...to be cool?
If you think you'll last...you're just fools
You try to be something...that you're not
And all you do is fill our ears...with rot
You claim to play hardcore
Well that's a bunch of shit
You're just a bunch of snot nosed kids
A real group of tits
You make your bed you lay in
I bet it's made of shit
You think you're all so macho
I bet you all have clits

You're just a douche crew
You're just a douche crew
You're just a douche crew
You're just a douche crew

We offered you our hands
Yu just turned your backs
You're just a bunch of poser douchbag
Faggot, dickless, hacks
Wearing all their douchy clothes
They like to watch each other pose
They're all the same, so fuckin' lame
We'll shove their spikes right up their holes
AIR=Adolescence in Red
SSC=Sock Some Cock
ADI=Arabian Douche Intro
I have a Danny Spitz pick that says S.S.C. on it that I grabbed off the floor at The Orpheum in Boston on the Among The Living tour. The one and only show where I actually bought front row dead center seats for.
Ahh, the good old days! When metal was badass and girls were scared!
Not to be a complete jackass, but I discovered this thread by accident on Google. I fucking LOVE how a post asking about clarification of an acronym changed almost instantly to a discussion about feminine hygiene vs. colonic irrigation. I just needed to resurrect it! Classic!!
We also use the word dusch for shower.
