What does it fucking matter if........


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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Really, Ive read numerous posts from PPL complaining that this board is overrun w/ St.Anger threads?
Apparantly a lot of you have forgotten that this is actually a board that supports ALL metal and just HAPPENS to be devoted to ANTHRAX.

Really, we are the fucking unofficial MEGADETH board. We posted about T W N A H for goddamn weeks on end. In fact if ANYTHING new drops, music...movies...games..whatever the fuck - it gets discussed here until the well runs dry. Really. The band themselves post here and seem to like that we talk about other shit. They even give their opinions on shit from time to time when they can check in. All the Veterans here know what I mean. Some of the newbies need to understand this, and by newbies I mean length of years or months posting, not number of posts.

Damitall! Don't get mad, just loosen the hell up a bit.

I used to be an asshole on here w/ a shitload of posts. Then I started respecting the actual PPL behind the catchy names and avatars.
I deleted gregthraX, and came back a few weeks later as my actual nickname that I've carried since I was 10 or so. And I made it no secret.

My point, come here for fun. Don't say a bunch of retarded bullshit all the time and make it where no one wants to reply to your posts. I consider a lot of these PPL friends in the realm of metal that give a good discussion now and again when I can't sleep. gregthraX wouldn't have been able to say that.

We're an online community. Brothers and sisters forged in a metal workshop that suffered through years of musical persucution when alt rock and rap took over and would not go away. Yes we have anger. Let's aim it at the music business that has shoveled shit down our throat for far too long, and not focus it on oneanother in every St. anger thread, or other off topic threads on this board.



Oh yeah, long assed plane rides make ya goofy as fuck. And 3 hour time changes are a behotch!

I'm out like Bee-Gees on 8 track,
it matters fuck all dude,whatever the hell metallica have turned into people need to have someone or something to look up to no matter if its car racing,baseball,music or whatever the hell u want.

and the fact of the matter is when metallica started they really did have every teenager praising there everymove,do u people really think we would all have these new bands floating through if it were not for bands like metallica,to sum it all up they have done wonders for the metal scene in every respect!
Fuck mate, I ain't really seen much trouble round these parts, I have been on boards where people get that shitty they called the core of us Elitists because we chatted about whatever the fuck came up or was going on in the world, I think we all need to settle back, have a beer or 10 and just mellow out to the sound of our fav band in my case Iron Maiden
GregadetH said:
Really, Ive read numerous posts from PPL complaining that this board is overrun w/ St.Anger threads?
Apparantly a lot of you have forgotten that this is actually a board that supports ALL metal and just HAPPENS to be devoted to ANTHRAX.

Really, we are the fucking unofficial MEGADETH board. We posted about T W N A H for goddamn weeks on end. In fact if ANYTHING new drops, music...movies...games..whatever the fuck - it gets discussed here until the well runs dry. Really. The band themselves post here and seem to like that we talk about other shit. They even give their opinions on shit from time to time when they can check in. All the Veterans here know what I mean. Some of the newbies need to understand this, and by newbies I mean length of years or months posting, not number of posts.

Damitall! Don't get mad, just loosen the hell up a bit.

I used to be an asshole on here w/ a shitload of posts. Then I started respecting the actual PPL behind the catchy names and avatars.
I deleted gregthraX, and came back a few weeks later as my actual nickname that I've carried since I was 10 or so. And I made it no secret.

My point, come here for fun. Don't say a bunch of retarded bullshit all the time and make it where no one wants to reply to your posts. I consider a lot of these PPL friends in the realm of metal that give a good discussion now and again when I can't sleep. gregthraX wouldn't have been able to say that.

We're an online community. Brothers and sisters forged in a metal workshop that suffered through years of musical persucution when alt rock and rap took over and would not go away. Yes we have anger. Let's aim it at the music business that has shoveled shit down our throat for far too long, and not focus it on oneanother in every St. anger thread, or other off topic threads on this board.



Oh yeah, long assed plane rides make ya goofy as fuck. And 3 hour time changes are a behotch!

I'm out like Bee-Gees on 8 track,

DUDE!! I loved Balance.... finally someone else agrees.
Hail Satan if You Please....

I too had the tape. Then I upgraded when I realized that tapes sucked ass. I probably spent well over 200 smackers just replacing the shit I had. Technological advancement is a bitch.

The bass on Balance is just nuts. Bass carries the whole album, and that's a good thing.
Justin.... the library had Balance?!?!?!?! That f'n rules.
I'd love to walk into my town library and ask, "Do you have the new Satyricon?" The librarian would be, "By Fellini?" "No, by Satyr and Frost."
I am still kicking myself for not trying to go to that Sans Halen tour (Roth and Hagar).
*kicks self*
Balance did kick ass...

BTW, about the "library" thing... My hometown's library, for the longest time, had Judas Priest's "Defenders of The Faith" and the mighty AMONG THE LIVING on vinyl! No shit! BTW, they sound fucking wicked on LP.
Johnny Ace said:
Justin.... the library had Balance?!?!?!?! That f'n rules.
I'd love to walk into my town library and ask, "Do you have the new Satyricon?" The librarian would be, "By Fellini?" "No, by Satyr and Frost."

Hell yes. Where do you think I heard X-Factor? The library! I should check to see if it has Rock in Rio. I also borrowed Divine Intervention there.

It was actually the Columbus Library system, which has at least like two dozen branches. So you can reserve something at one branch that another branch has. I am glad the taxpayers of Franklin County, Ohio pay for this service.
The Columbus Public Library system is outstanding. I have a friend who gets a lot of cd's and dvd's from there. She is always throwing together the coolest compilations of materials that she gathers from the public library. Sadly, I think the libraries days are numbered until we get rid of the dumbass running our state. He scares me.