GregadetH ENCYCLOPEDIA SLAYTANICA Mar 13, 2002 2,900 87 48 47 Your FKN' face! Visit site Mar 24, 2002 #1 I heard on the MEGADETH board that they are.....but I've seen no official word on this. I want answers ppl. Or their will be a bloodbath.
I heard on the MEGADETH board that they are.....but I've seen no official word on this. I want answers ppl. Or their will be a bloodbath.
T TD HAS INTEGRITY Feb 4, 2002 3,501 21 38 47 At the table with the popular kids, making fun of Mar 24, 2002 #2 Actually, I haven't heard anything to the contrary, I bet Scott is just waiting to iron out the details before giving the word.
Actually, I haven't heard anything to the contrary, I bet Scott is just waiting to iron out the details before giving the word.
GregadetH ENCYCLOPEDIA SLAYTANICA Mar 13, 2002 2,900 87 48 47 Your FKN' face! Visit site Mar 24, 2002 #3 Thanx TD, there will be no bloodbath today. That answer pleases GREGADETH. muhahahahahahahaha!
bRaTpRiNcEsS Member Feb 4, 2002 6,859 73 48 46 Past the Point of Caring Visit site Mar 24, 2002 #4 Get out of my tub Greg, and don't make me tell you again.
jdelpi Imported Killer Feb 1, 2002 4,860 32 48 Anthrax campaign headquarters Mar 24, 2002 #5 There will be no bloodbaths in my message board, damnit. Looking down the cross...