what does "Opeth " mean.......!!!!!!


May 4, 2004
Im a new opeth fan...............was just wondering.....so waht does "Opeth " mean.........i looked up dictionaries , encyclopedias and what not..........still notthing..........anwyayz........If someonw coudl tell me the meanin or teh concept behind this word......Id relalyt appreciate that........PEAC EOUT
Land Of Grey And Pink said:
pretty sure this thread is a practical joke. :Smug:

It's so hard to tell anymore, with the attitude of some people on here I can't help but wonder when a new person posts a question like this (which is perfectly harmless and fine by me) whether it's a fake account. It's just been done too many times in the past to discredit the possibility. But I guess it makes more sense just to be nice and respond as if it's a valid question.

It comes from a book.. I can't remember by who or the title of it or anything, but "Opet" in the book was the city on the moon. David Isberg, the former vocalist of the band, chose the name and added the "h" as far as I know.
IAmEternal said:
It's so hard to tell anymore, with the attitude of some people on here I can't help but wonder when a new person posts a question like this (which is perfectly harmless and fine by me) whether it's a fake account. It's just been done too many times in the past to discredit the possibility. But I guess it makes more sense just to be nice and respond as if it's a valid question.

It comes from a book.. I can't remember by who or the title of it or anything, but "Opet" in the book was the city on the moon. David Isberg, the former vocalist of the band, chose the name and added the "h" as far as I know.
It's from the book "The Sunbird", I think.
Wow.........I never knew that.......thanx for the feedback..........also whats teh deal with Ex-Vocalist.........how can anyone in this world be a better sionger than Mikael...................if mike aint the first singer who was it......??............PEAC EOUT
The ex-vocalist was never on any of the Opeth albums. I think he just stuck around for a few gigs and then left. Mike does the vocals on all the albums.
Okay, this thread is beyond a joke. Surely your time on this earth must've made you realize that no-one could possibly be this idiotic.
Do you search the forum all the time before you want to post a thread just to make sure that what you're asking has never been asked or posted before? Newbies have a right to be newbies and to post and communicate with the rest about whatever thing, now Opeth-related, they think about, in my opinion, whether it has been posted before or not. If you guys are so pissed off, don't even open the thread, for at least, the subject matter was clear enough in this one. Actually I was opening it just to see how much slamming was going on -I expected more by now-. I probably could have also complained (as I think I've done some time -just for fun-). Today I feel like defending the newbie!
Its a city in a novel ,dont know what its called, but Mikael tells you that in one of the interviews I have downloaded
Oh, God, that reply was incredible "beyond belief." I don't think I've drunk so much to read the things I'm reading on this board right now! It can't be my fucking wicked imagination!
well my question was real.....Ive been only listenin to Opeth for 5 months ro less...........so I was just interested in askin what was the reason for thier name........and yeah thanx Lakestream............I did the cover of TBYF withj Macuz......so IM REAL i guess......Hahaha........anwauyyz........tahnx guys for teh reponse (the ones who actualy replied)........Hahahhaa.........I wont ask this question again now....so itsa name of a city in a book eh.........Thanx..........PEAC EOUT