What does "zodijackyl" mean?

It's pronounced "zodiackyl", right? I guess it's got something to do with zodiac and astrology.. I'm not really sure.. just a wild guess.. where is Mikael? :)
I asked Niklas this one (and what meant Jotun too) and he doesn't "really" know either XDDDDDDDDDD
I think this should be cleared on the DT faq finally...
I guess there should be a whole section on darktranquillity.com explaining what every song means.. Stanne is a GREAT lyricist (is that the word? :)) and that would help everyone appreciate his work.. and the fans to get every single detail of the lyrics.. but on second thoughts.. perhaps this is what makes his lyrics brilliant :)
To FatherVic about the meaning of Jotun.

As far as I know, Jotuns are frost giants in the Norse Mythology.
I read somewhere that It IS a cross between zodiacal and jackal, thus entering a 13:th animal in the Zodiac, that beeing the jackal... I think it was in an online interview somewhere... Gonna check it out...

Originally posted by Phyros
I read somewhere that It IS a cross between zodiacal and jackal, thus entering a 13:th animal in the Zodiac, that beeing the jackal... I think it was in an online interview somewhere... Gonna check it out...

Yeah, I've read the same one as well. It also had some short explanations by Niklas for songs like A Bolt of Blazing Gold and Constant.

Someone on the old forum (or was it on the forum before that?!?) posted its web-address there. I had the whole text on my harddisk, but apparently it was lost...

-Villain (not a master bookkeeper)
Maybe im not as knowledged about the lyrics of the song, but I had been looking into it for quite some time and as I was doing it, it looked to me a lot that it might have refered to nuclear warfare.... but that is just my uneducated opinion... hehe :goggly:
Can't speak to the nuclear holocaust theory-- I asked Stanne in email a while ago, maybe two years ago, because I somehow knew he was basing those lyrics on a book-- I was right-- if anyone reads Swedish (dunno who is a Swede and who is not), check out Peter Nilsson-- that's the writer who gave birth to those lyrics.

Unfortunately, I do not read Swedish and, to the best of my knowledge, Nilsson has not been translated into English. Bummer.
wait, you don't read in Swedish, and the writer hasn't been translated...so how on Earth did you know it talked about that book????
just wondering :)
This famed 13th sign of the Zodiac is called Ophiuchus and is the "bearer of snakes"...
Legends have it that it has not been taken up into the Zodiac a) because it would have disturbed the cycle of equally long periods and b) because 13 already back then had been viewed as unlucky number...
some may not recall the fourteenth, also excluded sign of the zodiac. it is called Ouch and is the "snaker of bears". popular folktales have it that it didn't make it to the zodiac a) because due to its chatterbox nature it would have disturbed almost everything in sight in a short while, and we know zodiacs - like diamonds - are forever, and b) because 14 already back then was seen as a totally meaningless number, with no connection whatsoever to religion or literature.

[it's self-evident that i didn't mean to offend any silly, outdated, dark-age-based, fool-proof superstition here, ok? :loco: ]
