What equipment are you guys using for bass?


Nov 27, 2010
I've been looking at the sansamp stuff such as the RBBI and the RBI. RBI would be cool as it would never leave my studio. I have no way of demoing these products, however. Am I going to get better bass tone than a straight di? Any other options? What are you guys using for bass tone? Should I stick with plugins, buy an amp, or get a preamp ie sansamp?

INB4: Ola's youtube tutorial.
I like going direct and using plugins because you can easily change the tone during mixing.

My favorite plugins are Ampeg SVX, and TSE BOD.
I use an amp and cab. Usually the foundation of what the guitar tone is or will be is there so I don't find it difficult to dial in a tone or commit. I like svts for metalcore, the classic for rock/hardcore and have tracked an Eden which was great to. Usually just chuck a d6 half on half off about 4-6 inches back. I split the guitar signal to the amp and to the di and I also take a line out of the amp. Di for insurance, the line out is generally well suited for grind.
I've lately been using my Hafler T2 preamp for bass aswell as a DI (Little Labs Red Eye). It's a tube guitar pre but I tried it on bass and liked it so I've been using it since. It's got a nice warm but very punchy tone. I usually blend it with the DI and use plug ins for distortion. Sometimes I use a 4X10 bass cab I got ( no idea what model, it's old, battered and unbranded) and mic it with an Audix D4. sounds good but I prefer the Hafler's line out to be honest.
Countryman Type 85 and Millennia STT-1 for tracking. Usually print a touch of EQ and comp to clear up the bass tone.

When 'reamping' I usually run it through a PSA-1 and MXR for the grit portion. Either run these into cab impulses or an amp sim like Bass Amp Room. The low-end portion I normally get with SVX, but as of late have been demoing the Studio Devil stuff too. When it's possible I like to also run the grit through a Dual Rec - helps the bass really sit alongside guitars.
For recording: Ibanez BTB555MP -> DI box -> DAW -> Duplicate track, LPF + HPF -> Shitloads of fuckload of compression on both (CamelPhatFree being my current weapon of choice) -> A gnarly distortion on the highpassed track
For playing: Ibanez BTB555MP -> MXR M80 Bass DI+ -> GallienKrueger Neo700-112
I use a TC Electronic Rebel Head and Cabinet. I take 1 DI out from the head and mic the cab with a 57 and use those 2 signals mixed together

I've used that with an ESP D5 Bass to record my bands latest album here is a track from, hopefully the bass is clear enough
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Bass guitar(new strings)->HiZ input on sound card(or DI box), then you can do what ever you want with ampsims & plugins, I usualy double the Bass track , one of them get a Hi pass filter one of them a Low pass, then a little distortion for one of them ampsim, and lots of compression, maybe limiting to.
just get the best sounding bass out there... You practically don't need anything else. It's always nice with additional ampsims and stuff but sometimes just compressing a bass DI is enough.

True, I find that with bass more so than guitar the tone is in the bass instrument itself. A nice bass will sound good right from the get go while a bad bass can be processed to hell and back and still retain those bad tonal characteristics that it began with.