What ever happened to good Death Metal

Back then there wasn't any internet so you couldn't just look up some band you pretty much had to go buy it and hope it was good. Or go to a show and be exposed to a band and then go buy their shit.

Tower Records had an independent section and that was were most of the death metal/grindcore type tapes were. I would literally just randomly purchase tapes based on what the logo looked like or their name etc.

OMG I remember that too. Lot of times it was a hit or miss on getting a good tape/cd from a band you never heard of, and I got burned a few times and the band sucked. hahaha, I used to buy them too based on artwork and their logo

I never got into Black Metal either. It's mostly because there is soooo much music out there, I just never had the chance. Cradle Of Filth, I just refused to listen to them because I always saw these trendy Mall-rats wearing their shirts and didnt want to be associated with that..haha Children Of Bodom seem really good and not sure if considered Black Metal. Ive got a ton of their music but have not really listened to them.

Im the same way, and actually stopped listening to Cannibal Corpse when Chris left the band. I did buy the CD Vile, but never really listened to it much. George is a great singer but he belongs with Monstrocity. Imperial Doom is one of my all-time favorites.
That Portal band if fucking brutal!! I dont know what's up with that box on his head, it looks silly. Reminds me of that old cartoon - Mighty Man and Yukk..ahahahah That damn dog with a birdhouse on his head.

Not sure what deal is with that. They seem to keep a unified look from tour to tour that changes a bit here and there. They seem pretty tight-lipped and pretty deadpan about it which is kind of what makes it work. Still some pretty disgusting tones, though.