What ever happened to good Death Metal


Dec 8, 2003
Sin City
This intro is so chaotic, kinda Slayer Reign In Bloodish


This is my friends band from North New Jersey - Revenant. They put out 2 CD's and broke up before 1994. They got to tour the world with Morbid Angel, Entombed, Napalm Death..etc This song is sooo brutal and insane guitar solos

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I was into the death metal scene heavily back in the day. i lived and died with going to death metal shows and trying to play in death metal bands.

I got a copied tape of Napalm Deaths "From Enslavement to Obliteration" and at first was scared. I was previously into Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax and the usual suspects. But the Napalm Death tape was fucking insane. It started to grow on me and I started to get some tapes of other Death Metal bands. Back then there wasn't any internet so you couldn't just look up some band you pretty much had to go buy it and hope it was good. Or go to a show and be exposed to a band and then go buy their shit.

Tower Records had an independent section and that was were most of the death metal/grindcore type tapes were. I would literally just randomly purchase tapes based on what the logo looked like or their name etc.

The first ones I ever got were Carcass, Obituary, Bolt Thrower, Sepultura etc... Sepultura quickly became my favorite band... that was when Beneath The Remains just came out. They weren't really death metal but kind of combined death metal with thrash metal and it was my perfect fit.

Then the scene started gaining a fairly big underground following. I had converted most of my friends into listening to death metal. So we would all buy tapes and trade them etc.

I remember when the new Cannibal Corpse album "Butchered at Birth" came out. That took everything to a new level. We used to play the shit out of that tape while going snowboarding and skateboarding half pipes. Most other kids listened to bad religion and shit while skating but we always would put on Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Deicide, Bolt Thrower, etc etc.

None the less I literally went to every single Death Metal gig that came near my town for about 10 years. I have seen just about every old school Death Metal band in existence!

I remember getting the Deicide tape when it came out. That shit was fucking scary. The music was amazing and of course it was very satanic which is what they are known for. I think I literally had bad shit happen to me for wearing Deicide shirts and blasting their music in Salt Lake city Utah lol. To this day those old Deicide tape are still scary as shit. But thats what makes it so great.

Death Metal was amazing but then all of the bands started to sound the same and it started to get stale. That is when the black metal scene started to kind of take over. I never got into the black metal scene.

Now death metal is in the form of bands like The Black Dhalia Murder, Job for a Cowboy and shit like that. I can't fucking stand that shit. It's a shame those kids that are into those bands don't go get the Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Bolt Thrower cd's etc as that is the real deal there.

I am still upset that Cannibal Corpse decided to get rid of Chris Barnes. They aren't the same without him.

I still check out a lot of the old School death metal bands when they come to town.

That was such an amazing scene. It was very cool to be part of the first part of that scene and watch it grow. Was cool to see bands like Morbid Angel get signed to major labels and what not. It will never be the same. But it was awesome to be part of it all from its inception!
I got into death metal simply because Cannibal Corpse's album covers looked cool. Of course at first I didn't really 'get' the music, but over time I've grown to really appreciate the musicianship behind the image.
The new Malevolent Creation "Invidious Dominion" is really good!
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i like seeing death metal bands live,not to fussed on playing it at home,its really made for the live arena if its done well,some of my fave concerts have been death metal bands,namely carcass,morbid angel,sadistik execution were pretty full on back in the day,im keen on seeing cannibal corspe and deicide when they come here next.
Now death metal is in the form of bands like The Black Dhalia Murder, Job for a Cowboy and shit like that.

Dude The Black Dahlia Murder is fuckin INSANE!! Awesome band!

I like bands like Death, etc. but I WAY prefer the melodic death metal genre - or so-called 'Gothenberg sound'. At the Gates, the Haunted, In Flames, Soilwork, Children of Bodom, Dark Tranquility et al.

Another sweet band from the US is Abigail Williams, though bordering more on black and symphonic black metal.
Dude The Black Dahlia Murder is fuckin INSANE!! Awesome band!

I like bands like Death, etc. but I WAY prefer the melodic death metal genre - or so-called 'Gothenberg sound'. At the Gates, the Haunted, In Flames, Soilwork, Children of Bodom, Dark Tranquility et al.

Another sweet band from the US is Abigail Williams, though bordering more on black and symphonic black metal.

job for a cowboy were pretty good
I've got lots of death metal, lots of it is new but very fuckin underground. Here are some bands on my playlist, check em out: (there maybe some grindcore and black metal in here too)

Aborted, Aeon, Augury, The Black Tormentor of Satan, Bloodbath, Bloodthorn, Dark Funeral, Darkthrone, Decapitated, Dying Fetus, Fist in Fetus, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Gojira, Hate, Hate Eternal, Hecate Enthroned, Marduk, Mortician, Obscura, Prostitute Disfigurement, Vader.
I've got lots of death metal, lots of it is new but very fuckin underground. Here are some bands on my playlist, check em out: (there maybe some grindcore and black metal in here too)

Aborted, Aeon, Augury, The Black Tormentor of Satan, Bloodbath, Bloodthorn, Dark Funeral, Darkthrone, Decapitated, Dying Fetus, Fist in Fetus, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Gojira, Hate, Hate Eternal, Hecate Enthroned, Marduk, Mortician, Obscura, Prostitute Disfigurement, Vader.

I have seen Aborted, Decapitad, Dying fetus, Hate Eternal, and Vader. I have seen Gojira as well but don't consider those guys death metal.

I saw Vader on their first USA tour when they opened for Suffocation back in 1992 I want to say it was. They were just a bunch of young polish kids. Those were the good ol' days!

I never dug the melodic death metal stuff too much. I liked it more straight forward and brutal. The most melodic I like is Obituary "Cause of Death" where James Murphy plays the guitar leads like an Angel ;)
Dude The Black Dahlia Murder is fuckin INSANE!! Awesome band!

I like bands like Death, etc. but I WAY prefer the melodic death metal genre - or so-called 'Gothenberg sound'. At the Gates, the Haunted, In Flames, Soilwork, Children of Bodom, Dark Tranquility et al.

Another sweet band from the US is Abigail Williams, though bordering more on black and symphonic black metal.

Yes I really can't stand Black Dahlia Murder and really am not into any of those bands you have mentioned. Children of Bodom I can't get passed the silly keyboards. In Flames i like some of their early stuff. But mainly like the old school brutal death and grindcore.

Terrorizer is probably my favorite Grindcore band of all time
YEah I gotta agree with imfan. Sepultura is fucking AMAZING and was and will be one of my favorite bands ever. I loved other death metal stuff like Death, Obiturary, Napalm Death, etc. So much amazing music and utterly brutal. Somehow the kids these days have lost the important parts and replaced it with low tuned guitars and screamer/growler vocalists. They are all fucking lame. Sadly I don't think the glory days of Metal are still around. Bands just don't have the same talent anymore.
I never could get into any Death or black Metal at all. I personally don't like those kind of vocals and the music is just fast sounding, thrown together noise to me. I could listen to it if the vocals were not cookie monster-ish and the music had some kind of melody to it. But then I guess it wouldn't be 'death metal' without those elements lol. I'm down with Sepultura if that's considered death metal.