I first saw In Flames live in 2002. They did a tour with Iced Earth and Jag Panzer. Fast forward 6 years, and we have them playing with All That Remains in 2008. Happily Gojira is also on this tour, although they certainly don't fit the rest of the bill (The only
REAL Metal on this tour? You lot are going to eat me alive, aren't you!

Now, we all know that In Flames' studio material has changed dramatically over the years. Well, Anders' live singing has changed just as dramatically. His clean singing is (has always been) whiny and (DARE I SAY IT?!?) sounds very emo(tional?). Even his screams and clean/scream transitions sound particularly whiny. Growls? What growls? Does In Flames really use guttural growls anymore? Anders speaking voice also sounds terrible, it's like he's cracking... the poor guy has almost certainly done some damage to himself, and needs to take a rest or seek professional treatment. There has been a noticeable deterioration here.
Perhaps In Flames is my guilty pleasure; although the band (with the exception of Bjorn, and Jesper at times) looked bored on stage, they sounded great and I enjoyed their set. "Pop" hits like Cloud Connected and Come Clarity, while newer and thus automatically shitty (right?), get me every time in a live concert environment. These songs sound good with Ander's high pitched and expressive voice, and really soar. Older material just gets mangled by the new 'style' of singing being implemented. Jester Race is my favorite album from this band, and I've accepted that I'll never 'properly' hear anything from that album performed live.
The crowd of people going nuts for Anders and all of this 'new' In Flames material (there was noticeably less reaction to classics like The Hive, or the Jester Race "Medley") speaks volumes in and of itself. At the front of the stage I was surrounded by lots and lots of very young looking teenagers, and saw very few hands without "X"s up. The bar area was fairly sparse. A lot of -core kids and 'new metal fans' at the show here. There's nothing wrong with that. It just illustrates, in a nice, compelling, and admittedly anecdotal fashion, the demographic which currently associates with this music. Made me feel very old (and I'm not old).
Is Anders a worse singer than he was before? In Flames isn't producing Melodic Death Metal anymore. Their target audience (and their real-world fanbase)
is different. A lot of people still truly enjoy their music. Some of it is still good enough to warrant paying for a ticket (In any case,
Gojira warrants paying for a ticket).
I guess to summarize I gotta say that the people at the In Flames show, certainly weren't at the At The Gates reunion show. They've never heard At The Gates, and they don't understand the context of older In Flames material either. The legacy of In Flames seems to be largely irrelevant to their current performances and production, but does it really matter? Things change, but as long as you still enjoy what you hear for the most part, who cares?
And Anders, in his Atticus T-shirt, well, fuck him, I went to see Gojira anyways!