Anders live...what the fuck happened?

Their royalties may allow them to take 6 - 12 months off at absolute most, but you're right, they could never take a Metallica-style hiatus. Still, I think 6-12 months of just chilling out would do the band a lot of good. It's just a question of whether they can afford to.
Hopefully after the next album or something.
I mean, they might be able to take a while off if they just extended the writing and recording process. But I doubt they could get away with sitting on their asses for a year. But really, how many people could?
Stanne had around a year off some time between DD and Character... not sure whether he got another job or did other things to promote/assist the band during that time though.
It's strange how some metal singers' voices change so dramatically over a bands'career. But out of the bands that I listen to, Anders' voice has changed the most. You listen to a guy like Tomas Lindberg and it's hard to believe he's still going at it 15 years later. His voice seems to have actually gotten stronger over the years. Peter Tagtgren has been hitting the same high and low notes since the beginning. Mikael Stanne's voice sounds a little thinner than it once did, but he still sounds pretty damn good as well.

But Anders sounds like a completely different guy than he did on the early albums. I just don't think he had the proper growling technique and he just blew his voice out. Kind of like what happened to Jesse Leach. You just can't put that strain on your vocal cords.

And yet with EVERY new In Flames album, I always wonder if THIS will be the one where he brings it back. Not gonna happen. I think the "growls" that occasionally pop up on the newer albums are just studio magic. They don't sound natural at all. Same thing with the live growls.

My thoughts exactly, but i don't think that he growled on a wrong way, i mean that would hurt and he couldn't do that for years i think.
The throat can heal pretty quickly, only a serious injury like a burst blood vessel would kill his chances of screaming for a long time.
they should take a solid year off from everything. then maybe they could make a decent album.
they should take a solid year off from everything. then maybe they could make a decent album.

unfortunately, human society uses this thing called money, and contrary to popular belief, In Flames' alleged sell-out has not made them rich, so really they have to release. If they were a younger band perhaps they'd just go hungry or whatever but they have families to support now and so the reality is that this is now a job. When you're only supporting yourself and there's no responsibility you can do what you want and take your time but you can't put your kid through college with a 3 year hiatus.
And for those who say they could take day jobs or whatever, I don't know their situation, but I'm guessing they'd be taking part-time, low-paying jobs and again that's not enough, so the only way for them to provide for their families is to keep releasing.

This is all hypothetical, by the way, I have no idea what I'm talking about, etc

They do deserve time off, though.

My thoughts exactly, but i don't think that he growled on a wrong way, i mean that would hurt and he couldn't do that for years i think.

Jesus christ you guys.
I told you guys that one of the reason he switched styles is because he wants to go in a more comfortable and natural vocal approach.
His screams are less strict and more natural to his talking voice,
his singing is actually flat out singing with his tone of voice.

Before Reroute, he specified his vocals. I think specified is a good word to use in the situation, seriously though, he specified his vocals to make them sound like he wanted, which strayed away from a natural sound.

I'm not sure if his vocals are stressed but I'm just saying that this is one of the big factors of vocal changes. He doesn't want to really growl anymore. He obviously likes highs alot now.
Now he just wants to sound like he's "supposed to sound in his mind"
what definition of shredding are we using?
because this is what shredding is:

and I don't remember IF ever doing that...
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