What ever happened to Paul Craddick?

Paul is great I spoke with him last night on the phone.

We have been trying to find some time to get togather and play and work on material. The plan is to get another XEN out as well as us getting another Enchant release out if possible. Everyone is super busy with day jobs family and everyday life. As usual.

I am sure he would appreciate your cheking in on what he is up too, I will pass it along.

Cheers Ed

Excuse my ignorance, but I was just listening to Blueprint again this morning and marveling at the drums. Is he in another band now? Thanks!
Thanks Ed!

Although my band was nowhere near in the league you guys are in, I totally understand the work/family thing. Sometimes it doesn't matter how much into music you are or how devoted you are to your instrument, life and family happen and there's just no free time anymore.

Keep making great music! It doesn't matter if your releases are every year or every 5 years, I will always support you guys.

Enchant shouldn't have to have day jobs,it's ridiculous that rap and other shit is where the money is (and that is just not fair)As far as i am concerned you are the greatest band ever,but as we know prog is a hard industry to make a living at!!
You are both too kind, we very much appreciate your support ALWAYS!

Hey people would be surprised to know who has day jobs ( bands and muscians much bigger than us ) and at what level one must get too $$ wise to make a dent in the business and not lose money. Especially today things are entirely differant from how they used to be. It is extremely difficult to tour and make CD's. But never impossible :)
As long as you make quality releases the time between them doesn't really matter. I'd much rather the band make a CD when it's a better time for them.
Acutally Paul provided some magnificient drumming on The Wishing Tree's Carnival Of Souls. The Wishing Tree is Steve Rothery's side project involving Pete Trewavas our dear Paul and his now wife Hannah Stobart-Craddick.