What exactly is a "blast beat"?

If you want to know what a blast beat is go buy Emperors Anthems to the welkin at dusk or any Immortal album then you will have a basic understanding.
U may talk shit about blast beats but sit your ass behind a drum kit and try to do one then you'll truly realize the talent it takes to be in the major leagues of metal.
As a drummer, here's my understanding of it:

When the music is too fast to do much else while still sounding musically coherent, the drummer simply plays bass-snare-bass-snare-bass-snare etc. Now this can be one of two things: a "blast" beat or a "thrash" beat.

What distinguishes a blast beat from a thrash beat is that in a blast beat, the accompanying cymbal (be it the ride or hi-hats, or even crash or china) is hit only on the bass notes or only on the snare notes. In thrash beats, the cymbal is hit on both the snare and bass notes. Usually a blast beat is what happens when the music is too fast for the drummer to be able to hit the cymbal simultaneously with each drum. I'm pretty sure that some blastbeats hit the bass and snare simultaneously and alternate only with the cymbal.

For example: Slayer uses thrash beats pretty often but I don't think I've ever heard them use a blast beat. Emperor uses blast beats pretty often but I don't think I've ever heard them use a thrash beat. Both types are challenging. Thrash beats are difficult because it is hard to hit the cymbal in perfect unison with each bass and snare note at a fast speed. Blast beats are difficult simply because they're extremely fast.
Actively seeking a virtuoso of the sub-atomic 4 string hate axe to play in our state of the art death metal band... (drummer has duct tape on drum heads, stacks smoke when they are volumized too much, strings older than my grandfather

Thats great. From now on, I will call all base Guitars sub-atomic 4 string hate axes