What genre is this band?


Jun 30, 2012
I really like how this band sounds, but I've been wondering what genre these guys are. Any of you here know?

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How is this "core" at all? Sounds like it came straight out of the mid-90's, grungy/Sabbath-y groove metal. Actually sounds pretty good to me as well; not original but it sounds authentic for the style, and pretty polished for what I'll assume didn't have access to a great production fund.
Once it hits the 1:00 mark it gets into that sort older-era metalcore.

ACTUALLY let me back up a bit. That main riff during the verses sounds a helluva lot like Kyng's "Falling Down".

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Not being familiar with Kyng, I agree that it is in the same style as the song in the op, but still don't hear how that is metalcore. That song is especially giving me some Alice in Chains and Soundgarden feelings. Three minutes in that changes but that's not really the predominant sound there.

EDIT: I'm assuming now that by "older-era metalcore" you're referring to Earth Crisis and such. Some of those bands had some Sabbath influence as well, but I'm not hearing where the influence went backwards to this kind of alternative metal.
Maybe core is the wrong word. Nu-sludge? The point is it's just that chunky Groove-Lite sound with a bit more of a southern influence.