What gigs are you going to? Arrange meets.

Blakkheim said:
keep hitting those tic tac toe buttons!

"thou shall have no other gods before Katatonia"...

I don´t understand your sarcasm...I shouldn´t reply to this, but I really cannot understand what you mean with those words.
Do we only have to mention Katatonia on this board? Can´t we say that we like other bands too?
Note that I said almost better which means that Katatonia gigs were still my favourite, but that was my first Paatos concert, and since they are among my absolute favourite bands, it was a great experience to see them live for the first time, I was really moved by their performance.
I don´t think I have ever written something offensive for Katatonia, but it seems like that here no one can say what he thinks.
Ok maybe I just misunderstood what you meant with those words.
affinityband said:
Anyone goin to Wacken, or Tool in june in london?
Yeah, I'm gonna go to Wacken ... ... can't wait to see Anders' other band... what was that called? ... WHITESNAKE???! ... *lol* ;D :Smug:

...and Summer Breeze, of course.
Im soo in there. ( Thats right love if your reading this let me have my moment hehehxx)
But no way dude, you should definatley go. I mean me mark and skinner are arriving on the 2nd and leaving on the 7th( we wanted some time in hamburg ). It was also cheaper. But if your thinkin of goin, gimmee a pm or something and can arrange to hang out and drink fine beer together