What grwat sci/fi or fantasy books/series have I missed out on?


Sep 4, 2002
Without the Darkness
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I used to be a pretty massive reader and thanks to my ereader I was able to acquire some series that I had previously or had a hard time acquiring. Add to that finally being able to get Ursula Le Guen's Earthsea quintet in a single volume this week means I am a happy reader.

but am wondering what I've missed out on all these years. Since there are hundreds of books and series that people have told me about over the years but haven't gotten around to.

What do people recommend?
What do you like best or want to know more about?
There are all Fantasy, but I highly recommend them all.

Joe Abercrombie's "The First Law" trilogy, plus his two follow-up standalones
Patrick Rothfuss' "The Kingkiller Chronicles"
Brandon Sanderson's "Mistborn" trilogy
George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire"
Peter V Brett's "Daylight War" Cycle