What Guitar To Buy?

I am not sure about the BC Rich SE IT. My third guitar was a BC Rich Warlock IT Series and it was rather heavy. Heavier than any other guitar I had. I swapped out the stock pickups for EMG HZ H4's but that didn't do much. The other ones sound good though.
Hi Ive been playing guitar for 7 months now and Ive just joined a band which has given that extra incentive needed to buy a new guitar. I really dont know what to get although I was thinking of getting a Alexi-200


However I want to play thrash and death metal and do not know if that guitar will be suited for that. My budget is 330 pounds, any help will be aprreciated.

dont get an alexi-200 look at ibanez or other LTD stuff
Ok well I have been looking at these guitars does anyone know if there any good? Im going to go to my local guitar shop in a couple of weeks to try some of them out I just wanted to hear your opinions first.


Erm emptifier why dont you try reading some of my other posts?
Ok well I have been looking at these guitars does anyone know if there any good? Im going to go to my local guitar shop in a couple of weeks to try some of them out I just wanted to hear your opinions first.

Save up until you can get, at least, an LTD 400 series. Anything below that won't be a good enough upgrade to really notice.
From those choices I would go with the Ibanez. All I need from a guitar is tuners that stay in tune, action that's low enough to be playable and good intonation. After that it's my own ability that holds me back not the pickups or any of that.
One of my dads mates said he can get me a discount on ESP guitars so I started looking at guitars just out of my price range and came across the V 500. The reviews i read seem to be very positive and I was just wondering you lot thought of it.
Well i finally been to the three local guitars and tried out all the guitars in my price range that I liked the look of.

ESP Alexi-200: Absoutly rubbish. It had one pick up for one wich throws out a maird of choices for when I'm writing songs. Not only that but even though this was an active pick up it sounded no better to my ESP M-10 which was a hundred quid!

Dean-ML: Absoulutly stunning guitar to begin with, even though it has such a strange shape it was incredibly comfortable to play. The tone was amazing and every note was really well defined even though the amp I was playing on was on full distortion. While the sound is good its not really what I'm looking for, it sounded a bit too warm and fuzzy to behonest which isnt what I'm looking for.

Ibanez: Looked great, comfortable, and it had a thin neck as well which is really useful for the fast songs my band play. While it sounded good it didn't sound 400 quid good so I reluctantly put it back to its shelf.

Jackson KE3: Oh my God you guys were right about Jackson. It sounded great, fuller than the Ibanez but harsher than the Dean this is a real metal guitar. I played this for around for an hour and I was gettin cramp in my leg so I asked for a strap and started playing standing up. Thats when I saw the problem with my beloved guitar; its so top heavy. I was a strugggle actually playing the thing since I was concetrating on keeping the guitar upright! Thats when I knew I couldnt buy this guitar. My band play songs that push my abilities to the limits, if I was struggling to keep the guitar in a comfortable posistion how the hell was I supposed to play those riffs?

ESP Dave Mustain V:Bit disapointed after the Jackson disaster I looked for the ESP V-500 which I had heard good reviews about and thought looked amazing. However I just couldnt find it however I did find the ESP Dave Mustain V which I told is the guitar that the V500 is based on. Not making the mastake last time I asked for a strap and played standing. Thank God it was incredibly comfortable and easy to play. And the sound! It was better than the Jackson by a mile which is a hard feat to pull off. You could really tell the sound difference on the higher strings which is useful because my band is a melodeath band so there is a lot of use on those strings. If the V-500 sounds anything close to this I'm buying it in a instant!
Well the problem is solved, just ordered my new guitar. Its the LTD Alexi 600 and I'm getting for just under 300 quid!