What guitar?


Feb 25, 2006
Personally I wouldn't touch any of those guitars with a barge-pole.

How serious are you about learning to play guitar? Do you plan on getting lessons or just learning to read tab and doodling at home? Do you want to play with a band or other musicians?

My father is a guitar teacher, and has seen many cases where students are either severely discouraged or simply give up after playing a poor guitar.

Having a guitar that stays in tune, intonates well and has a reasonable playing action will making learning to play a pleasure instead of a chore.

Invest a reasonable amount of money in buying a decent guitar and amp combo. If you decide that guitar isn't for you, you can simply sell later.
Gåbriel;5852980 said:
Personally I wouldn't touch any of those guitars with a barge-pole.

How serious are you about learning to play guitar? Do you plan on getting lessons or just learning to read tab and doodling at home? Do you want to play with a band or other musicians?

My father is a guitar teacher, and has seen many cases where students are either severely discouraged or simply give up after playing a poor guitar.

Having a guitar that stays in tune, intonates well and has a reasonable playing action will making learning to play a pleasure instead of a chore.

Invest a reasonable amount of money in buying a decent guitar and amp combo. If you decide that guitar isn't for you, you can simply sell later.

nice sig dude
i dunno, my first electric was pos, and still is a pos.. but i still find that i play it constantly when im home b/c that was teh first guitar i learned on.

I agree that a shitty guitar can discourage some ppl, but i think it more has to do with people expecting to get good immediately. Like any thing in life, taking up an instrument requires practice to get good, and if all you want from an instrument is to doodle around then by all means pick up a pos guitar, because you really dont need high performance. If you do want to commit to learning the instrument and understand the dedication involved, then i would suggest getting something a little better. It really is worth it in that case. The choice is really up to the buyer however. Good Luck buddy!
i started out with really shitty guitars...just as i was advised. and im glad i did since after a period of time you start to realize "hey man, im getting good at this...i need a better sound." then you go buy yourself a flashy and that also helps you appreciate and recognize good sound and tell the difference between good and bad. how can anyone appreciate good without knowing bad? what good will a 700-dollar worth strat do to a beginner who is simply exercising/stretching his fingers on the frets? just my two cents, nothing more.
^^ There's a difference between a "wal mart" guitar and a low level model of a professional brand. Another couple of bucks will get you a more respectable Ibanez/whatever.
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^^ There's a difference between a "wal mart" guitar and a low level model of a professional brand. Another couple of bucks will get you a more respectable Ibanez/whatever.

This is what I was trying to say.

I'm not saying he should go out and invest in a Gibson historic and Marshall plexi - that would be useless. But everyone should start with a guitar that at least stays in tune, intonates properly and isn't so poorly set up that it's going to be DIFFICULT to play. It's all about accommodating learning.

Personally I started out on a 'cheap' guitar. A Yamaha Pacifica 112. It was around $400 AUD when i bought it many years ago. It's had numerous upgrades and I still play it every day.

Even for a complete beginner, a good guitar will inspire and motivate. Learning to create music isn't a mathematical formula.

Yeah Gabriel is totally right.. if you buy a total piece of crap guitar to start on you're going to hate guitar from the start and not get anywhere.. I would stick to more reliable brands that sell low end decent shit - i.e. Ibanez, ESP or even Schecter has some decent lower end stuff. Maybe even a strat?
Oh I see well, I want to take up guitar lessons, so and I'm looking to buy one, in this case, what would guys recommend?

There are many guitars but I just don't what to get, give me a few suggestions, brand names, models etc

Thanks much! :)
Try to get a secondhand midrange.

It'll be around the same price as a new shit one but... less shit.
Anyone? Recommend me a few? Aren't there any guitarists on this forum that would be able to recommend what guitar/brand to get for a beginner? eh? eh?

Please help :)