Suggestions for a better guitar.


Melody be Thy Name
Aug 27, 2004
Las Vegas
Sorry to create yet another guitar thread but I haven't seen one in a bit.

I'm an incredibly poor guitar player. Therefore I don't want to spend a ton on a new guitar (the one I have cost about $150... thats right $150.. utter shit). What guitars would you recommend for playing power/prog/gothenburg(since melodeath is in such dispute) type of music?

Perhaps you could give me the models and approximate prices.

I appreciate the help.
go ebay

you can find some used instruments on there real cheap

if you dont trust ebay (i certainly dont haha)

go to your local stores and look at the used equiptment.
i see alot of power metal/prog guys playin ibanez. if your looking to play total wankery, ibanez has a great neck for it.