What have I missed?


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Hey guys

Hope everyone is doing great and had a good Easter weekend :)

Can't remember the last time I've been absent for the forum for so long......couple of reasons for this on this occasion.

Firstly......the dreaded lurgy hit me on Monday and I'm still struggling to shake it off ahead of being back at work on Monday.

Secondly.....I've been holed away in the studio and haven't seen the light of day to be honest lol! Pub lunch calling today though :)
Good to hear from you, Steve! Studio time... excited as always, very intrigued about this. Please keep us posted!!

Haven't missed much, as you've likely seen; the forum's been kind of quiet since PQ's disbanding... still have a great bunch of people here though :D
I guess it is inevitable that things will be a little quieter around these parts going forward, but hopefully it will remain a place for some of us to keep in touch and all :)

Can't say anything quite yet regarding what I'm up to in the studio I'm afraid but shouldn't have to keep you in suspense for too long
Studio? Studio!

What's this now? Details! Excitement!

Not much to report Steve. Music wise we've had Avantasia come out (and Gloryhammer but I suspect we know your thoughts on that ;) ) and a lame single from Timo Tolkki's Avalon. And Voodoo Circle's latest which I think you caught some of?

Masterplan announced Novum Initium, Dreamtale announced World Changed Forever, Megadeth announced Super Collider and Civil War (made up of ex-Sabaton members) announced The Killer Angels. I think that's about it.
Hey bro! Hope you're fully recovered and you're doing well.

Well - Some of you might have seen a couple of posts on my Facebook relating to a TV show called The Voice. My boyfriend's auditioned will be aired this Saturday - It's all starting to feel real... Slowly!

I know a lot of you might not like music show stuff, but would be cool if you check out Mitchel Emms. He's great :) Deserves the support (And you'll see me as well, cheering along).