What I think of To-Mera!!!!


New Metal Member
Mar 29, 2006
Hi there Lee B and they guys in To-Mera.

I bought Metal Hammer and read your review and did some digging. Found you through a search engine as they left the band part off of your myspace page.

Love the demos. Excellent sound. I'm guessing that your drummer tracked on a midi kit and used Drumkits From Hell or something like that??

And you got a great guitar sound too. It's a bit like Dream Theatre guitar sound and some of Dreadful Angel has those types of chords and approach.

If I were you guys I'd drop the jazz and loose the blog about your guitarist going to college. But you are all great players. I will spend the money on your CD when it's released to enjoy and to support the band.

Just want to wish you well and hope that the world is turning just right to let your sound get to as many people as you can. And your web site is a great design too.

DHD said:
Love the demos. Excellent sound.
Thanks :kickass:

I'm guessing that your drummer tracked on a midi kit and used Drumkits From Hell or something like that??
Nope, real shitty drumkit with (IIRC) custom made samples for the kick and blended in a little for the snare.

And you got a great guitar sound too.
Trace Elliot Super Tramp H100 guitar amp and a little blend of Guitar Rig for a bit more fizz and added gain (the Trace Elliot is not what we could consider a high gain amp)... When engineers tell that 70% of a guitar player's sound is in his fingers, it's no joke, the guitar sound is pretty nice considering the equipment we had at disposal ;)
Cool. I'm very impressed Bret. I think if these guys tried to write both by reharmonising to the vocals And by more conventional means then they could go further than they think! Also I thinkas Julies natural tone isn't too forward then the arrangements and choises of guitar sound could sometimes support in way to make the vox seem bigger and more forward to integrate with the powerful sound.

I'm very impressed with the vocals and there is an almost celtic quality to them rather than operatic. Beautiful singing! I have done some tracking in studios and I can honestly say that it is worth finding the right mic and pre whilst tracking to make the most of the vox.

I like the style and heaviness of the backing and the standard of musicianship more than Lacuna Coil and it's not cheesy like Lacuna or Dream Theatre. Anyway good work to To-Mera and Bret.

Cheers for taking the time to write and for the kind words!

I guess our favorite bald Frenchman has answered most of the questions about the sound, etc. We just hope he won't be on strike in May like the rest of his countrymen :)

Oh, and there'll be a bit more jazz on the album, but then we've also got a bit of traditional Hungarian folk and some tribal drumming too. I guess the one thing about our songs is that if there's a part you don't like, the next one is only a few seconds away, hehe.

Lee_B said:
I guess the one thing about our songs is that if there's a part you don't like, the next one is only a few seconds away, hehe.
Hey that's just one amazing selling argument !!! I'll buy that to sell my own album to labels, lol ! :Saint:
And I won't be on strike, but I may be stuck in the alps with the 2CV :)