What if Metallica never sold out?

Required Fields

New Metal Member
Oct 24, 2002
Almost every few weeks on a metal board, someone whines about how Metallica sold out, which they did, obviously. But did you ever stop and think about what would have happened if they didn't sell out?

What direction do you think the band would have taken? How would things be different?

I think they would have only put out one more album that could be called thrash, two albums tops. Mind you, thrash metal really "died out" to an extent (well, that or was mostly dormant) from around 1993-1999, only really experiencing a comeback within the last five or six years. During the early 90s, Metallica could have changed their sound without really "selling out".

Personally, I think they would have put out one more thrash album, and then they would have gone in one of the following directions:

a) Groove/post-thrash metal (Pantera, Machine Head, etc.)
b) Heavier industrial metal (Fear Factory) with the odd thrash riff here and there
c) Something rather progressive, though not quite technical, but still metal (Nevermore, maybe?)

I personally think a is the most likely scenario. One more thrash album, then they'd become post-thrash/groove.

That's just my opinion.

What direction do you think they would have taken if they didn't sell out? Please don't say "They would have sold out anyways" or "Then this topic wouldn't be up."

And yes, I know, I posted this in the Testament forums as well.
I can top your question. What if Cliff was still alive?
Would they have gone the direction that they did after Master of Puppets?
I think they would have done something like the S&M project, as Cliff was a fan of classical music...
I just high jacked your thread!
I think they would have had a conflict with Cliff and Cliff would have left the band. After all the world wide publicity had died down he would have emerged with a thrash band with melodic influences and reach the sub top while Tallica would have done what they are doing now with the same results.

Just my take on it.
I dont quite know how to answer this .... I'm glad they soldout to be honest ... when they pulled their shit it made me discover 100's of new bands ... Better bands ... but I do think Hawks statement rings true
see this "metallica sold out" what does that fuckin mean? i dont get it...is it the part that they made a dvd, went on mtv, what?? honestly, i get flamed ALL the fuckin time for this, but i dont think they sold out. at least to me, i mean shit i wouldnt enjoy doing some stuff they did, but if it was necessary to keep the music alive id do whatever it takes.

but can someone please tell me what exactly metallica did to lose respect from metal fans?
No-Mercy said:
see this "metallica sold out" what does that fuckin mean? i dont get it...is it the part that they made a dvd, went on mtv, what?? honestly, i get flamed ALL the fuckin time for this, but i dont think they sold out. at least to me, i mean shit i wouldnt enjoy doing some stuff they did, but if it was necessary to keep the music alive id do whatever it takes.

but can someone please tell me what exactly metallica did to lose respect from metal fans?

simple they went from writing important Metal music to writing pop because they beleived metal be dead they also rid them self of the "Metal Uniform" for more of a mid '90s alternalook ..... they stopped playing metal and started playing Radio rock ... that and if you were a young metal fan in 1995 and the last Metallica video you saw was from something off the black album then you see the Untill it sleeps video and they are all acting like fags wearing makeup and shit playing this awful awful noise and the poser friend thinks its gold I knew it was crap ... it was kinda like being musiclly stabbed in the back
Required Fields said:
I personally think a is the most likely scenario. One more thrash album, then they'd become post-thrash/groove.

Independently of Cliff's demise there's another scenario:

After so much criticism on 'One', Metallica returned to basics with music owing a lot to their early work. Like Motorhead and AC/DC the band refuses to yield and keeps delivering they great speed/thrash.
In a recent interview with founder Lars Ulrich he said "Metallica came to stay the most kick-ass band the world had ever seen will keep on pounding in the years to come" His partner-in-crime James Hetfield added: "AJFA was a transitional album, we fell now much more confortable with Jason (Newsted)input. We're sure our next album will be some kind of thrash monster". He also said: "we learn about the video experience, we know how important fans are to us, we will not betray their confidence again"

I know I made all that up. But was as probable as any other one, the band decided to keep their sound and goes on come hell or high water. What's so improbable about that?
if they hadnt sold out.....

I think they would have made one or two more thrash albums, and those albums, being very excellent, propels their popularity to new heights, therefore none of them can step foot out of their house. After living under constant attack by fans, James, Kirk, and Jason decide to move to Japan and live a life of secrecy. Meanwhile Lars stays in the states, gets plastic surgery, a sex change, and goes on to be a popular vocalist for a modern band "Arch Enemy"......

just my take on things
I'd say right after AJFA, they would have gone more of the way of Pantera...not as fast but still quite heavy and then...well I couldn't imagine what else. Well I could imagine them going down the path of Megadeth, somewhat
sixxswine said:
What if Cliff was still alive?
Would they have gone the direction that they did after Master of Puppets?
I think they would have done something like the S&M project, as Cliff was a fan of classical music...
I just high jacked your thread!

i reckon that albums such as load, reload and st anger would not have existed, Cliff had a large input to the music writing if you read the credits of kill em all and ride the lightning, You will also notice that Newsted did not have as much input to the music in ...And Justice, and the Black Album. i wish Cliff was still with us today, although i do like Newsted. I blame in a lot of ways producer Bob Rock for Metallica's albums since the black album, for getting Metallica to change the formula so that they would become more successful, which happened. The way i look at it Metallica died in 1991, and a look alike band, took their place! Gave us St Anger which was so painfully shit it was untrue. I think the real question is where does Metallica go from here! im hoping to god they scrap this new shit, and go back to the old "fuck the world" formula!!
rokk said:
becoming anything other that what they were would have been viewed as selling out!

which is exactly why im still standing behind metallica. i think a band changing after losing a member and having some major turning points in your life like Metallica did, the sound will most likely change. i do like their older stuff much more, but im not going to bash them or shit-talk them because they arent writing the same music they did 20 years ago.
No-Mercy said:
which is exactly why im still standing behind metallica. i think a band changing after losing a member and having some major turning points in your life like Metallica did, the sound will most likely change. i do like their older stuff much more, but im not going to bash them or shit-talk them because they arent writing the same music they did 20 years ago.
you're missing the point....after their pop-metal album "Metallica" their other shit (besides Garage Inc.) wasn't even metal. THAT's selling out, not mere "changing your sound"
No-Mercy said:
which is exactly why im still standing behind metallica. i think a band changing after losing a member and having some major turning points in your life like Metallica did, the sound will most likely change. i do like their older stuff much more, but im not going to bash them or shit-talk them because they arent writing the same music they did 20 years ago.

There is no possible way you can understand what I was saying I lost faith in Metallica alooooong time ago because I believed they abandoned me ... and which is why I love Overkill so much and have their Name branded to my flesh .... Metallica are not as talented as they pretend to be they are a pop band now is it really that important to be the biggest most oversaturated band on the planet I think not! and chances are in 20 years I will still feel the same way ....
Not that I am giving you shit for standing behind them cause I'm not .... I am just a former Metallifaithful that could never overcome the shock of seeing that damn untill it sleeps video :erk:
JonnyD said:
I am just a former Metallifaithful that could never overcome the shock of seeing that damn untill it sleeps video :erk:

Funny you mention that JD. After the terrible "Metallica" (aka black album), I was like many into the fuzz of what they'll do next. I still remember when that video came out, I was hoping for something better, for a comeback (even through video, something which they sware never to do...before 'One' of course)
and went through the images and music with a WTF? all over my face.

That day Metallica died and was buried for ever. Do I still hear the early albums, sure I do, that legacy won't die ever, but a legacy is all I have left :cry:
JonnyD said:
There is no possible way you can understand what I was saying I lost faith in Metallica alooooong time ago because I believed they abandoned me ... and which is why I love Overkill so much and have their Name branded to my flesh
OVERKILL's Bobby Ellsworth to do a duet with pop-singer Christina Aguilara. They have just entered the studio, and will begin recording this month. When asked about this move Blitz commented "I've always wanted to go pop...but just never had the chance. Now I can show my true emotions." Further news shall be posted in the next few weeks. :OMG: :OMG:
I don't mind admitting that I'm the only person who liked St. Anger. Yup, I did. I wasn't into anything after, say, Justice (which was just ok), but I thought St. Anger was good. The low end production went well with the raw concept of re-creation, lyrically speaking. Go ahead, let me have it. I'm not joking.

Anyway, I don't buy the sell out thing. I believe, at the very least, that Metallica has been making the albums they like, and nothing more. People think of their middle and late career as an anomoly. I think it's the other way around. That is, the early albums (which are amazing) were an anomoly. I think they became the band they wanted to be. I don't agree with it....I didn't really like the Black album, or anything else after (except St. Anger). Anyway, if they just made Master of Puppets over and over I really think people would be bitching about that.

And yes, I agree things would have been different if Cliff had lived. If you reeeeeally listen to Master of Puppets, half of what's cool on there was his doing.
i agree with everything you said ElectricWiz, i honestly dont give a shit what St Anger was classed as, whether it is as well written of any of that shit, i actually find it the most entertaining album to listen to, Master of Puppets close behind.