what if???

Feb 5, 2004
hey-not sure if this has ever been addressed,posted ETC. if so...appologies..i do not post here at all. (except rarely on the opeth board)though i lurk around and read bits here and there...so lately the bitching and moaning about COB's new album -aydy- has been pretty much the topic of discussion,dispute and whiny,self-inflicted-built up expectation(s)/opinion(s) and to some "fact" ....blah blah and some more blah....i love cob's back catalogue immensely and find them to be a definte favorite of mine for about two years now(Opeth being #1 of course!!! haha...(lately-#3 nevermore)anyway i drug this on way too much as i continue to waste your time aND my time-POINT BEING:has anyone ever thought about alexi's arm injury ETC.---this is not well searched or even thought out and all on my part....what if he just "cannot" play like he used to anymore?-i assume things are well in the live setting or not?let us know-just wanted to point that one out...either if it is the arm injury,some other bullshit concept or pure opinion all i will leave with is simply-i enjoy cob just the same and in the same breath i will say i do lean very close with the others whom like -aydy- yet know and remember the "older/original" style and miss it and will welcome it back with warm,open,loving arms when/if they return to that playing/writing style next time around-let's see-whatever the outcome(just like with opeth signing with roadrunner and all that bs with the complaints etc.)i will still enjoy-be inspired-and immersed as long as the band continues to play and write music.
Sean P.S-sorry for the rant-work third shift and have not been to sleep yet-any feedback would be great.:headbang:
If you're asking if his arm injury affected his playing, the answer is no. Contrary to popular belief, the rhythms on Are You Dead Yet? are more complex than their older albums where it was usually just power chord strumming and such. Alexi's leads have become Zakk Wylde pentatonic wankery though and they are much easier. I have noticed Bodom have been sounding worse live since Alexi got his ESPs because of the terrible pickups, and I've also noticed that his playing is a lot more sloppy then the Tokyo Warhearts days, but this has nothing to do with his arm...
Fetzer said:
All this post for just this question ? Damn...
I would have to say yes...i was stoned and the thought had entered my mind-I have the tendacy to either overlook or anaylze things dead,beaten into the ground-just curious of others opinions.
GhostOfPerdition said:
If you're asking if his arm injury affected his playing, the answer is no. Contrary to popular belief, the rhythms on Are You Dead Yet? are more complex than their older albums where it was usually just power chord strumming and such. Alexi's leads have become Zakk Wylde pentatonic wankery though and they are much easier. I have noticed Bodom have been sounding worse live since Alexi got his ESPs because of the terrible pickups, and I've also noticed that his playing is a lot more sloppy then the Tokyo Warhearts days, but this has nothing to do with his arm...

Hmmmm, I don't think it has anything to do with his injury. If it were it, the quality of the record will br much worse than it is (can you imagine it???:erk: )

I've never been to a COB live konzert (wish to...), so I can't really say if he has been doing better, = or worse in the konzerts after the injury.
Is he playing slopier becuase he drinks before/while he is playing live? I read an article before and he said he doesn't drink while he's playing becuase he wants to give 100%, and now Ive seen him drinking before and while he's playing. Maybe thats why.
Grimes said:
Is he playing slopier becuase he drinks before/while he is playing live?
As far as I know he still doesn't drink much on stage -but therefore makes up for it afterwards.;) He said just that in a VERY recent interview anyway.