What is a reasonable price for mixing an EP?


May 19, 2012
So a band asked me what it would cost to get their 4-6 track EP mixed. I said around 230-300 $ depending on how much work including mastering. 50$ per song is pretty fair right? Since I'm not a pro but not a noob either :p
For mixing yeah that's quite fair. People that know what they are doing charge $45-50 a piece for mastering. You'll be doing much more work mixing. You're good man.
Sweet, in Sweden i think the prices are a bit higher in general though, since the real studios have to pay like 25-30% tax or so. Theo only drawback is that i maybe have to program their drums, which will be more work than i expected, but it is something that i enjoy so i probably wont scare them off with higher price :p
I've seen guys here charge an extra $25 a song for programming drums based on a 4 minute song and $10 for every extra minute, but that's just if they're recording it themselves and can't program/record drums themselves but can do everything else.