What is Disk 2 of Matters of the Dark?


May 13, 2002
New Baltimore, Michigan
And how come I don't have one with mine??

I noticed that Windows Media Player was calling my MOTD "Disk 1". What happened to Disk 2??

It was supposed to have these:

2.Take to the Sky
3.The Human Bondage
4.Eye of the Nightmare
5.Nuclear Skies
6.The Mission
7.Wolf and Raven
8.The River Dragon Has Come
9.Trip to...
10.The Prophecy
11.Wake Up Dead
12.The Words Unspoken
13.Mirror, Mirror

Was it a cover CD or something? Some of those titles look familiar.
Snowmaker said:
And how come I don't have one with mine??

I noticed that Windows Media Player was calling my MOTD "Disk 1". What happened to Disk 2??

It was supposed to have these:

2.Take to the Sky
3.The Human Bondage
4.Eye of the Nightmare
5.Nuclear Skies
6.The Mission
7.Wolf and Raven
8.The River Dragon Has Come
9.Trip to...
10.The Prophecy
11.Wake Up Dead
12.The Words Unspoken
13.Mirror, Mirror

Was it a cover CD or something? Some of those titles look familiar.
Disk 2 was a special various artists sampler from Century Media that was included in the first pressings of MOTD...along with a bunch of other Century Media bands' cds.

Actually, I've ended up with so many of these "special" cds, that I use some for drink coasters now. :D

WIntersReflection said:
True, I had never heard Angel Dust before then. On the other hand, they maybe need a little more variety in what they send out, lol. I got two copies with my last mailorder! ;)

Angel Dust put their foot about three feet up my butt with the song, "Bleed" but of all bands that I would never think to check out, Fozzy would be the first. They are a spoof band with a wrestler for a lead singer, but "To Kill a Stranger" is a cool song. Go figure. I heard it on the PPIV CD.

Bryant said:
I actually like those sampler CDs. Sometimes you can find cool bands you would never check out.

I don't mind sampler CD's as such, I just don't like them distributed with another album. With a magazine, well, that's more like it but I don't have a say in the matter so I might as well shut up and simply not buy the album with lots and lots of extras. :)
Urban breed said:
I don't mind sampler CD's as such, I just don't like them distributed with another album. With a magazine, well, that's more like it but I don't have a say in the matter so I might as well shut up and simply not buy the album with lots and lots of extras. :)

I can understand that very well. As I have said in other posts, I don't deal well with bullshit especially corporate bullshit. That is one of the reasons I never decided to pursue the music business in America, not that I am God's gift to music by any means. but I figure I can curse out plant managers every couple of years and still have a career in my field, but record labels are fewer and farther between. I am a nice guy in person, but in business, I am a perfectionist with myself but also the people I work with and for. I can be one tough guy with perople who aren't doing what they should or are basically stupid.

Yeah, Fozzy really surprised me too... I didn't expect to like it!

Bryant said:
Angel Dust put their foot about three feet up my butt with the song, "Bleed" but of all bands that I would never think to check out, Fozzy would be the first. They are a spoof band with a wrestler for a lead singer, but "To Kill a Stranger" is a cool song. Go figure. I heard it on the PPIV CD.

Bryant said:
Angel Dust put their foot about three feet up my butt with the song, "Bleed" but of all bands that I would never think to check out, Fozzy would be the first. They are a spoof band with a wrestler for a lead singer, but "To Kill a Stranger" is a cool song. Go figure. I heard it on the PPIV CD.
I don't want to sound mean my friend but I saw Fozzy live 2 years ago and they were terrible. They did mostly a cover songs set, butchering "Balls to the Wall", "Freewheel Burning", "Stand Up and Shout" etc.
They had 3 guitars and I still wonder why, not forgetting that their singer was.... oh man, please someone give him some singing lessons, he was plain awful o_O

Angel Dust on the other hand.... great band on stage! :worship:
Too bad they're almost done, an Angel Dust / Tad Morose / Lefay tour would be awesome...
Bryant said:
I actually like those sampler CDs. Sometimes you can find cool bands you would never check out.

I usually do, too. But man, did Century Media go overboard with distributing the one that came with MOTD. I think I have six or seven of them now.

Fangface said:
I don't want to sound mean my friend but I saw Fozzy live 2 years ago and they were terrible. They did mostly a cover songs set, butchering "Balls to the Wall", "Freewheel Burning", "Stand Up and Shout" etc.
They had 3 guitars and I still wonder why, not forgetting that their singer was.... oh man, please someone give him some singing lessons, he was plain awful o_O

Angel Dust on the other hand.... great band on stage! :worship:
Too bad they're almost done, an Angel Dust / Tad Morose / Lefay tour would be awesome...
I can't judge them on live performance. They were a "spoof" band. What I am trying to say is that though it was a metal show, it was supposed to be a "joke" about a metal show much like Spinal Tap. The thing is, thery got serious about it and starterd writing their own music and the music was pretty good.
You also said you saw Vanden Plas live and weren't impressed. If they come near you again, go see them. If you aren't impressed, I'll mail you the money back. I'm not joking here. They were so perfect live, I felt bad for the band that played after them.
