What is emo?


Mar 25, 2004
Emotional metal?
Extremely melodic orifice? :tickled:
And yes, Killswitch do rip it up. I like positive metal. Quite a lot of Anthrax is upbeat too, especialy Stomp. What an energy jolt! :headbang:
Is this sarcasm?
If not...
Emo is yet another subdivision of punk. Characterized by (emo)tionally relevant lyrics. Most emo is better than most known emo, but none of it is exceptionally good. It can be lumped in with whine rock and crying r&b when you're putting it into the 'shit I don't listen to because I don't want to hear about your girl problems' music.

Emo kids are sterotyped into the black glasses and retro shirts that they're too young to actually remember, and they're the reason you can find a 1981 Motley shirt at Hot Topic made to look like it's been worn once a weekend since it was new but it just came off the press.
emo is a word used by emo idiots in their emo lives living in their emo mansions bitching about their NON-emo parents who support their emo asses and don't make them get emo jobs cuz they are 'too busy' complaining about the NON emo government even though they have never had to rough it, and the biggest thing they gripe about is how unfair their little emo lives are.
Of course they don't make them get emo jobs, they already want them right?? I assume that because they are so EMO, they would prefer an EMO job...
Please can you give me an example of an emo band that anybody would know.
thenotman said:
Of course they don't make them get emo jobs, they already want them right?? I assume that because they are so EMO, they would prefer an EMO job...
Please can you give me an example of an emo band that anybody would know.
If you think about it great bands like bad religion, and the decendents could be considerd emo. But useless, rich kid, wannabe, poser punks could consider several other "punk" bands (I use the term "punk" losely) Emo. But for me its a bunch of dumb shits, that werent there for the get go (78/84, or the second coming of punk (89/94) PUNK. God I hate the word PUNK these days. I am a PUNKER and I hate the term PUNK these days. If you want true PUNK. Check out the dk'S, fLag, D.R.I, Circle Jerls, The Bad Brains, TSOL, B.R, FEAR, M.O.D, Sick of it all, Blood for Blood, Dysfunctional,The Cro mags, The Pissed, Exploited, The Germs and the Mother Fucking RAMONES. You want metal that respects punk! Anthrax, Slayer, Moterhead!!!

I'm out, my foot hurts and the pills are kicking in.
See ya. :wave:
I know someone who is in an emo band. I went to the site and found out that it's pure shit. Triumph of lyrics over music. And this was from a band that was supposed to have brilliant arrangements (for an emo band I guess). I despise it now.