what is everyone asking for for x-mas?

Sexi Alexi 94

Oct 10, 2006
just curious to hear what you guys want for x-mas. i asked for a raptors t shirt and a maple leaf shirt and hopefully i can go to one of there games soon over winter break. :headbang: maybe a basketball game too because i've never been to one :erk: . also the evergrey dvd is supposed to come in the mail soon so i can watch that, and im not sure what else but it will be a surpise i guess. what about you guys?

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Perhaps holiday poetry is in order...

Twas the night before christmas, and all through the house,
no food was a stirring, not even a mouse.
Stockings were hung 'round dad's neck like a tie,
along with a note that said "presents or die".
Children were plotting all night in their beds,
while the wife's constant whining was splitting his head.
But daddy had money this year in the bank,
then they closed up early, now dad's in the tank.
...and all of a sudden Santa appeared,
a sneer on his face, booze in his beard.
Santa I said as he laughed merrily,
you do so much for others do something for me.
Bundy he said, you only sell shoes,
your son is a sneak-thief, your daughters' a flooze.
Ho Ho Santa said, should I mention your wife,
her hairs like an a-bomb, her nails like a knife.
As he climbs up the chimney, that fat piece of dung,
he mooned me two times, he stuck out his tongue.
And I heard him exclaim, as he broke wind with glee:
you're married with children, you'll never be free.
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I didn't really ask for anything this year... well... I got the one thing I really wanted for Christmas, which was a planeticket to Minnesota for Heathen Crusade... but other than that, I have no idea.

I gave a bunch of hints towards an electric violin. we'll see how that goes.
I bought myself a TV, a Death shirt, a PS2 game (devil kings), 8 DVD's (Fearless, MR. Wong, Three Extremes 1 & 2, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Lucky # Slevin, Kairo, Brick), and some food.

I bought my dad a Blender, my mom a webcam, and gave my sister 20 bucks.
I asked for a Nintendo Wii, since they refused to give me a tiny bit of cash...

My mother asked me, "What do you want for Christmas?"

My response was, "I'd be happy with $100 to do with what I please."

Her response: "No, it has to be a gift, thats not a gift."

My response: "Okay well, how about a Nintendo Wii AND $100?"

In the long run the $100 didn't work, but at least I got a Wii. :D