Metal X Mas lists?!

Well, consider me the Richard Simmons of metal! hahahaha
Anyways, I am about 5'11 and after 6 years of marriage and a new baby (not to mention a love of all things edible!) I went from a lean mean 185 up to a whopping 250! That's right! TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY pounds! This would be ok if it was muscle but I'll be honest...with a 40 inch pant you can pretty much go ahead and call yourself Vince Neil. I was just about to call Nikki Sixx up and ask if he wanted a stand in when I decided I'd had enough of looking like Chris Farley. (I really do look like Chris Farley. I've been told! Or JOhn GOodman. But I digress...)
I figured the only diet that would work for me is the Atkins deal. All the meat, cheese, grease and fat you can handle. HOWEVER, no bread, sugar, potatoes, pasta, rice, etc. At first it was the greatest thing in the world, bacon all day long!
But then you realize how many things have sugar and all that crap. (even ketchup!) Anyways, I've been on the Atkins for right at a month and have already lost 18 pounds! And that's without serious excersise. Just walking the baby in the stroller. I eat a TON of eggs, bacon, sausage, hamburger, cheese and hot dogs....never hungry...just get tired of the same foods. I got the Atkins shakes for when I can't stand it and have to have something sweet. It's only hard to stick to for me at night. Breakfast and lunch I'm ok but then dinner time the cravings hit! It drives my wife crazy too. BUT I plan to have lost 70 to 80 pounds by FEBRUARY! I WILL DO IT DAMMIT!

Now that I've shared my sensitive side, LET'S TALK FASHION!


A manly man,
I'm 5 foor 11 too! Like I said I have been 200 lbs. for like 17 years. I went to see the doc two weeks ago & I had gained 20 lbs. is it unreal how 20 lbs. makes a difference? It easier to gain it that it is to lose it. Luckly during the summers the kids keep me the go.
Psychonaut said:
This is kind of sad but I really don't have a music X-mas list. I buy music so fast that there is no point even making one. I could go for gift certificates but my family thinks I have too much music as it is and would rather purchase me towels, socks, and bling bling for the cat.
lol I hear that if its worth having I have it already :p