what is everyone thankful for?

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
here's my list:
1. family and friends and METAL(tie)
2. food
3. clothes
4. toilet
5. devilsticks
6. stereo
7. my parents genes(could be worse)
8. the post office
9. soap
10. tampons:)
I'm always thankful to people who show me:

* Honesty
* Sense of realism
* Open Minds and open hearts (it makes me realise that i still can learn and still have a lot to learn!)
* Their friendship
* things to share (so i can still discover i am a human being)

Ah, a lot more..but these are the most important ones ;)

xxx Iris xxx
Music,of course.
Great friends(both on the internet and off)
Parents who aren't abusive(though they can be shit heads at times)
My writing and art.
Nice house in which I live.
Decent grades,which give me the hope of one day leaving this place for college.
The occasional opptimism which lets me dream of the kind of future I want.
Not getting harrassed or made fun of in high school the way I did in middle school.
There's lots more,I'm sure,that I just can't think of.All that stuff was the most important.
Originally posted by ct_thrash
5. devilsticks

those juggling stick thingys??

thats so cool!

a few months ago i remembered playing with some in my youth, I'm soooo interested in learning to use them, but i cant find any place that sells them in my town!!! argggggggggg

any tips on how i should start out?? :grin:
YEEESSSSS!!!!! to start out i would recommend flower sticks, they're less dangerous, they're thinner, usually fiber glass wrapped in rubber, where devilsticks are thicker and usually wooden.......hold on a minute, i'm gonna try to find the website of the place i buy them from. i'm excellent with the devilsticks, by the way!:grin:
i guess, you should first get used to balancing the big stick on the two smaller ones, then gradually start using the smaller ones to spin the big one, then, using one of the smaller ones, toss the big one into the air, try to catch it with the other smaller stick...blah blah blah, it will all come to you after a while, but be ready for blisters:grin: