what is everyone thankful for?

It was just Pepsi that ws totally clear. I liked it, but apparently no one else did, since it quickly ceased to be produced.
those juggling stick thingys??

thats so cool!

a few months ago i remembered playing with some in my youth, I'm soooo interested in learning to use them, but i cant find any place that sells them in my town!!! argggggggggg

any tips on how i should start out?? :grin:

I'm thankful for this post. The post that started it all! :blush:
I have other races, but they don't show up at all, period. We had to be TOLD they'd screwed the other people in the past.
I wish companies would stop trying to zazz up soda.

Crystal Pepsi was different. It wasn't quite zazzed, it was just clear.

But yeah, I'm tired of seeing stuff like Caramel Pepsi and such. The new chocolate cherry Dr. Pepper is pretty gross. It's not really even chocolatey, it's just got a really, really strong tootsie roll flavor :erk:
Don't knock Crystal Pepsi. It actually sold really well in the areas where they test the market, so it wasn't really a bad idea
Crystal Pepsi was different. It wasn't quite zazzed, it was just clear.

But yeah, I'm tired of seeing stuff like Caramel Pepsi and such. The new chocolate cherry Dr. Pepper is pretty gross. It's not really even chocolatey, it's just got a really, really strong tootsie roll flavor :erk:
Yeah Derick told me about the tootsie roll flavor, made me sad :(